※ 引述《ssdancer (岛屿天光)》之铭言:
: ‘本中文版产品与日文版共用相同版本,游戏内容将符合日本 CERO分级规范之相关规定’
: 完
干 我受不了了 先是河蟹智障 然后又是河蟹狗 现在又来个河蟹教条
Dear Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Unity developers,
I am from Taiwan, Asia, and I have been a loyal fan of Assassin's Creed
series. I enjoyed every game of the series. Recently Ubisoft Taiwan had
started censoring a bunch of games including South Park: Stick of Truth,
Watch dogs, and now Assassin's Creed!!! Please, I beg you to STOP THIS FROM
HAPPENING. It is ridiculous that violent contents did not exist in French
revolution. We learned in textbooks that this is one of the most violent
revolution in history! All we Asian players want is the same content that
American and western gamers paid for. We don't want gaming experience like
watching Teletubbies.
If I were to say I learned something from playing Assassin's Creed, it will
be: "Nothing is true, and everything is permitted." But your Taiwan branch
is acting like a freaking templar and is getting in our way of true Assassin's
Creed experience. Please do not make the pirate online copy to be our only
way to access the uncensored version of this awesome game.
Best regards,
Peter, Uplay account:scarofwind
感谢 RuinAngel网友帮我修校正 这篇错别字应该很少了
自己的游戏自己救 如果什么都不做以后我们就只能完天线宝宝教条了
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