[运势] 9/18 Daily Horoscope

楼主: ohigotyou (哈哈哈哈)   2021-09-18 09:05:39
Pisces horoscope for Sep 18 2021
A dream you had when you were younger - one that may have seemed unattainable. Still, even then, you have dabbled in trying to make it come true, Pisces, but you knew that the odds were stacked against you. But times change, you grow and evolve, you learn, and once in a while, previous seemingly unattainable goals and dreams move closer to you. You may find something that once seemed off-limits is now within the realm of possibility for you. One is never too old to try. And if you try and keep trying,
you may just make it happen. The time could be right for it.
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