bestsp (法碧雷)
2020-09-02 09:37:47In the moments right before something perfectly wonderful happens, you don't k
now for sure that it will. There are all sorts of things that can go wrong. Yo
ur beautiful dream could shatter into a million pieces before it ever manifest
s in your life. But then the seconds hand moves on the clock of your life, and
voila! An amazingly ideal moment is realized, and you find yourself in a plac
e of utter gratitude mixed with disbelief at your good fortune. Take that thou
ght one step further, Pisces. You can be in a bad place, blink your eyes, and
be in a good place. That's right about where you might be now. Maintain hope f
or the best outcome.
前就破碎了。但是当生命时钟的秒针转动时,瞧! 惊喜的时刻发生了!