[运势] 02/29 Daily Horoscope

楼主: peace305 (Solar)   2020-02-29 00:30:02
When the battery on a smoke detector begins to lose power, the smoke detector
starts to beep. The beep may be annoying enough so that you will grab another
battery and replace the old one. But if you put it off, you might eventually
become so used to the annoying beep, that you don't even hear it anymore,
leaving you vulnerable without a functioning smoke detector. Some little sign
keeps reminding you about something you have to do, Pisces. Don't ignore it.
Just get it done.
作者: dt0312 (在蔚蓝之中翱翔)   2020-02-29 01:15:00
作者: Deepercat (苍)   2020-02-29 02:26:00
作者: sh03074 (BARITONE)   2020-02-29 09:00:00
作者: cyhoza (笨狗)   2020-02-29 09:48:00
作者: wendyyang   2020-02-29 22:03:00
作者: gtv2936 (丁丁)   2020-02-29 22:33:00
作者: porkwing12 (这么近 那么远)   2020-03-01 01:02:00
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