You may have noticed that someone in your world needs help, Pisces. Being the
empathic person that you are, you may wish that you could give them what they
need, but you may believe you don't have the power or the resources to provide
precisely what you have in mind. Perhaps you don't, but you do have the power
to help in some way. Sometimes even the smallest gesture to show you care can
make a big change in someone's life. Don't underestimate what you have to giv
您可能已经注意到,你的身边有人需要帮助,双鱼座。 身为充满怜悯之心的人,你可能
也许你没有,但你确实有能力以某种方式提供帮助。 有时即使只是小小的表示关心,也
会对某人的生活产生重大影响。 你的付出不容小觑。
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