lithe (未)
2015-02-15 23:41:23Pisces horoscope for Feb 16 2015
A person in a position of power or authority is not likely to relinquish that
position simply because you are more talented, more experienced, or more intel
ligent. You could be dealing with someone who is rather power-hungry, and unti
l power is seized this individual won't give up without a fight. If you challe
nge this person, you will only cause an unsavory conflict. However, Pisces, if
you allow your light to shine for itself, and you just do your best, you will
be noticed, and the power will eventually be yours.
作者: askimore (爱斯基摩) 2015-02-16 05:27:00
Fiat溂ustitia,汢t pereat mundus