We announced last week some unfortunate news regarding the timeline for 3.26.0 f
or Path of Exile 1.
We've since adjusted some of our resources to be able to provide you with some c
ontent to fill the time until that expansion arrives. Find out more here:
We announced last week some unfortunate news regarding the timeline for 3.26.0 f
or Path of Exile 1. Coming out of that we have adjusted some of our internal res
ources to be able to provide you with some content to fill the time until that e
xpansion arrives.
To start with we'll be running a one-month event that has some of our whacky ide
as that never quite made it off the brainstorm board.
What does Path of Exile 1 look like when the nineteen Ascendancy Classes you kno
w and are familiar with are all of a sudden replaced by a different nineteen? Wh
at does Path of Exile 1 look like when you get to play a Witch and ascend to bec
ome a Harbinger? These are the questions our design team asked each other and in
this event will provide you with some of our answers.
We'll release more details about this content soon but we're really looking forw
ard to seeing how the community reacts to some of our more unhinged ideas.
There's more to announce and we'll keep you updated as we know.
我觉得可以至少有很多装备可以玩poe1光是势力词跟一大堆好玩传奇就比poe2多很多东西可以玩,加上新升华,我觉得很赞啊基本就是玩新升华,很ok der
作者: michaelfat19 2025-02-03 12:50:00
为期一个月感觉就是不想害2的新手跑去玩1话说版号居然是3.26.0 这是偷吃豆腐吗?表示:我们有推出3.26唷!
anjohn (安囧)
2025-02-03 13:29:00他是说上礼拜宣布3.26.0的不幸消息吧
ilohoo (ilohoo)
2025-02-03 20:25:00脖子很长的锐眼和光着脚的处刑?
打乱加新升华应该不错 最好再混个旧联盟机制 不过如果有全新升华 一个月好像不够玩
hecaton (加热)
2025-02-04 01:22:00看起来是把废案拿出来用,真的很酷可能会回锅玩看看...
as920051 (allpass)
2025-02-04 15:02:00不如吃鸡回归
kimula01 (Dior_Homme)
2025-02-04 15:12:00重点是哪时候开始