[闲聊] 3.1 Abyss Jewel 珠宝

楼主: IamCoolKing (我是酷国王!!!)   2017-12-09 02:35:51
https://poecraft.com/jewels 做珠宝模拟器
http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=AbyssJewel POEDB 上面的资料
从目前呈现出来的资料比对, poecraft 珠宝词缀比 POEDB 多一点,
假设 poecraft 那些多出的词缀都是正确的话,
那么可以把 4种 Abyss 珠宝 分类为
Murderous Eye Jewel 近战武器类 小刀/爪/剑/斧/槌/杖 物理/火/冰/电点伤
Searching Eye Jewel 远程武器类 法杖/弓 物理/火/冰/电点伤
Hypnotic Eye Jewel 施法类 双持/双手/盾 物理/火/冰/电/混沌点伤
Ghastly Eye Jewel Minion召唤类 物理/火/冰/电/混沌点伤
Murderous Eye Jewel, Searching Eye Jewel 跟 Hypnotic Eye Jewel 前三种珠宝,
对于单手或双手的点伤并没有区别, 所以比较不利于双手低攻速/施速的武器.
前缀 HP 36-45 T2 LV74
HP 46-50 T1 LV82
(30-40)% increased Damage against Abyssal Monsters 增伤
2% chance to Block Spells if you were Damaged by a Hit Recently 法格
(15-20)% increased Damage if you've Killed Recently 增伤
+(8-14)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Killed Recently 暴伤
(0.5-1)% of Life Regenerated per second while moving 回血
(6-8)% increased Attack Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently 攻速
(5-7)% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently 施速
(20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical 暴率
Strike Recently
2% chance to Dodge Attacks and Spells if you've\nbeen Hit Recently 闪躲
(6-8)% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill 猛攻
(4-5)% chance to Gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Melee Kill 不洁
再提醒一次, 如果 poecraft 那些多出的词缀都是正确的话, 本文才有意义.
作者: IAmLaguna (拉古那)   2017-12-09 03:50:00
作者: Regition (器根G刃)   2017-12-09 04:41:00
作者: greedystar1 (小狼)   2017-12-09 05:36:00
作者: c121125 (宝特瓶)   2017-12-09 06:01:00
作者: hanmas   2017-12-09 07:39:00
不洁那条不是完全打脸malicious intent XD

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