[情报] New Skill Reveal - Contagion

楼主: baddyguy (baddyguy)   2015-11-04 08:48:22
Two weeks ago we talked a bit about the Poison improvements we are making,
but it's not the only Damage Over Time system we're working on in the next
content update. Today, we're going to show you Contagion, a new spell that
is coming to Wraeclast.
Contagion's Screenshot:http://i.imgur.com/4egDLnq.jpg
Contagion places a chaos effect on enemies, dealing damage over time.
If the enemy dies, Contagion spreads, applying the damage over time
to surrounding enemies, but maintaining its duration. As long as enemies
keep dying, it'll keep spreading until its duration ends. Unlike existing
damage over time skills, Spell Damage increases also apply to Contagion.
Contagion is just one of a few Chaos skills we're introducing to
Path of Exile. Players can try out an entirely new style of play by
using them together, enhancing the damage of regular spell builds,
or alongside existing Chaos skills like Desecrate.
Contagion's Video:原文(影片未公开,不确定能否转载。)
Chaos damage over time synergy goes beyond how you build your character.
Other upcoming skills interact directly with Chaos damage on the enemy, or
with other Chaos skills. For example, Contagion also spreads the effect of
another skill we're introducing. To find out more about this and other
upcoming Chaos spells, keep an eye on www.pathofexile.com over the coming
作者: hsuan43 (Hsuan)   2015-11-04 09:00:00
作者: boreguy (无聊男子)   2015-11-04 09:25:00
作者: s1231241234   2015-11-04 09:30:00
作者: jason71138 (Teemo)   2015-11-04 12:33:00
作者: good90150   2015-11-04 16:37:00
应该跟持续火伤一样 不同技能的伤害才能叠加吧?不过看描述感觉是打群体的 打单体有没有那么猛就不知了
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2015-11-04 21:25:00
作者: good90150   2015-11-04 21:41:00
我都玩懒惰黯道XD 而且感觉要绑两个6L才猛很不方便
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2015-11-04 22:34:00
单体可以选4L阿 毕竟这个技能如果不能叠放一下也会有应有的输出 单体算是bonus如果可以叠根本就没有用单体的问题了XDDD
作者: good90150   2015-11-04 22:48:00
GGG基本上不可能做可以叠吧 如果可以叠伤害或使用上一定会有某些残缺在
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2015-11-05 00:21:00
是阿 看起来就不能叠 跟毒箭看起来满像的不过武器没限制这么严重 也能撑法伤不配个单体 你打王这招放了之后也不知道要干嘛不过主要是不清楚这招可以接什么辅助技能搞不好这招要连出6L都有点困难XD
作者: bbkuan (逼逼困)   2015-11-05 12:55:00

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