[闲聊] 2.0.0g Patch Notes

楼主: IamCoolKing (我是酷国王!!!)   2015-07-23 15:49:15
New Microtransactions:
- Added a new Armour Set: Necrotic Armour Set
- Added a new Skill Effect: Divine Righteous Fire
- Added two new cosmetic Pets: Peacock and Peahen
Act Four Balance Changes:
We've rebalanced the end of Act Four so that it's less deadly in Normal and
Cruel difficulties. Merciless has been kept intentionally difficult because
it's designed to be a challenging optional alternative to mid/low-tier maps.
- Damage has been reduced on several of the skills of the final boss in Normal
and Cruel difficulty.
- Life has been reduced on the final boss and some components of his fight in
Normal and Cruel difficulty.
- The duration of the explosive runes have been greatly reduced on Normal and
(Explosive rune 时效大幅缩短。)
- The lightning beam on the first stage of the fight no longer shocks on Cruel
(Lightning beam(就是马拉凯跟派蒂之间那道电)在难度二不会造成感电状态。)
- The damage of some skills used by the sub-bosses in the final Act 4 zone have
been reduced in Normal and Cruel difficulty. The projectile count on one of
their Ethereal Knives has been reduced. The life of these bosses has been
reduced by 25% in Normal and 15% in Cruel difficulty.
The projectile count on one of their Ethereal Knives has been reduced
- The Corrupted Lightning Beam of another boss now applies fewer stacks of
Corrupted Blood and does less damage in Normal and Cruel difficulty. The
damage and duration of their Corrupted Ball Lightning has been reduced in
Normal and Cruel difficulty. They're also more likely to focus on a single
target rather than casting their skills on a randomly chosen enemy.
(Corrupted Lightning Beam(应该是指腐化派蒂那招很粗的旋转流血棒吧)
Corrupted Lightning Beam招式伤害调低,以及招式时间缩短。(实测2圈又60度)
- Stygian Revenants now fire three lightning projectiles (down from five), and
deal 30% less damage with them. Their revived minions now explode for 20%
less damage. These monsters were extremely efficient at killing players. This
purpose of this change is to prevent mass extinction of exiles, rather than
to nerf them as spectres.
(Stygian Revenant(第四章会喷数道白光的蜘蛛,同时也会复活有尸爆能力的小怪)
现在丢出 3 个投射物,投射物伤害调低 30%。
它重生的小怪尸爆伤害调低 20%。)
- The Gladiator Trio in the Grand Arena have had their drops and experience
reduced to be more in-line with other bosses.
- The damage of the Flesh Eye Spawner's Storm Call-like skill has been reduced.
(Flesh Eye Spawner 的类似 Storm Call 招式伤害调低。)
Warbands Changes:
- There are now more fourth-tier Warbands throughout Merciless and Maps.
(难度三与 Map 里,更容易出四阶。)
- Increased the experience gained and the amount of items dropped by Warbands
Grunts by 60% and Warbands Elites by 50%.
(小兵的经验与掉落物调高 60%。
精英的经验与掉落物调高 50%。)
- Warbands in Maps now change every hour rather than every half-hour, giving
more opportunity to kill good ones.
(Map 里每一小时变动一次。)
- The Chaos Leaders will rise up against the Warbands in content update 2.0.1.
(2.0.1 将有 Chaos Leader。)
Tempest Changes:
- Many of the dangerous Tempest prefixes now grant additional item quantity
(+15% or +20% rather than the base +10%).
(一些危险的风暴前缀的物品掉落量为 15% 或 20%。)
- Tempest names now display correctly in maps.
(Map 里的风暴名称会正确显示。)
- The Tempest markers now trigger more quickly on average. Normal difficulty
has been reduced from an average of 5 seconds to an average of 3.75 seconds.
The later half of Merciless has been brought in-line with Maps.
难度一从平均 5 秒改为平均 3.75 秒。
- Fixed a bug where Tempest Fire/Spine/Lightning/Ice storms could become
(修正 Fire/Spine/Lightning/Ice 风暴无法看见的错误。)
- The Abyssal Tempest now converts 50% of damage to chaos, rather than 100%.
(Abyssal 风暴的效果改为 50% 的伤害转为混沌伤。)
- The Morbid Tempest now uses Vaal Summon Skeletons less often.
(Morbid 风暴使用出 Vaal Summon Skeletons 的频率调低。)
- Reduced the duration of Veiling tempest on players.
(Veiling 风暴(零元素抗性)在玩家身上的时效缩短。)
- Reduced the duration of Abyssal Tempest on monsters.
(Abyssal 风暴(化为混沌伤)在怪物身上的时效缩短。)
- Reduced the duration of Transmogrifying Tempests on both players and
(Transmogrifying 风暴(掉落物改为商店价物品)在玩家与怪物身上的时效缩短。)
- Monsters affected by Transmogrifying Tempests now drop significantly more
items (double for normal monsters).
(感染 Transmogrifying 风暴的怪会掉更多物品。)
- Items spawned by Transmogrifying Tempests now stack their shards.
(Transmogrifying 风暴下的掉落物有适当的堆叠而不是一个碎片一个掉落物。)
- Items dropped by Rogue Exiles are now transmogrified correctly.
(Transmogrifying 风暴下,修正流亡者的商店价掉落物。)
- Jewels are now transmogrified correctly.
(Transmogrifying 风暴下,修正珠宝的商店价掉落物。)
- Updated the buff definition of Transmogrifying Tempest to more accurately
state what isn't transmogrified. It now reads: "Non-Unique Items you find,
excluding Currency, Gems and Maps drop as their sell price."
(修正 Transmogrifying 风暴的形容词。)
- Animated Weapons from Tempests of Animation no longer fracture.
(Tempests of Animation 里面的幻化武器不再分裂。)
Descent and Descent: Champions Fixes:
(一种 Race)
- Descent and Descent: Champions chests have been revamped to match the new
2.0.0 progression of Skill Gems, Items and Flasks.
(修改 Descent and Descent 的奖励内容。)
- A new Unique Quiver has been added in a starting Descent: Champions chest.
Other Fixes:
- Piety's beam attack and Malachai's teleport slam are no longer invisible if
you return to the area while they're in progress.
(当你离开又再次进入战场时,Piety's beam 跟 Malachai's teleport slam 的攻击
- Fixed loading that would occur when Golems are summoned. This would cause
frame-rate spikes when other players approach you.
- The Summon Skeletons variation of the Catarina mission has been removed.
(Catarina 每日任务)
- The bandwidth used by the Path of Exile client has been decreased. This
should reduce stuttering in Lockstep mode and will reduce disconnections
due to too much data being sent.
(减少 POE 客户端的频宽使用量。)
- Maelstrom (Water Vortex) monsters now use Far Shot correctly. This means that
they do less damage at short ranges.
(Far Shot 是指距离越远,造成伤害越高。但越近伤害越低。见 #1INw-OKR 这篇。)
- When currency shards combine to form a full stack, the full stack now appears
at the location of one of those shards, rather than at the top-left of the
- Fixed a bug where Molten Strike wouldn't deal off-hand damage.
(修正 Molten Strike 副手武器伤害无法作用的问题。)
- Fixed an instance crash related to Animate Weapon.
(修正 Animate Weapon 造成 instance 断线问题。)
- Fixed a bug where projectiles from Lightning Strike (when supported by
Multistrike or similar) could trigger melee things like Fortify.
(修正 Lightning Strike 串 Multistrike 时,投射物会触发近战效果,如护体效果。)
- Fixed a bug where having an unusable weapon equipped could prevent movement
or weapon swapping.
- Fixing a bug where Tzteosh the Beyond Demon was using the Molten Strike art
variation from the Fellshrine Ruins statue boss.
(修正超越恶魔 Tzteosh 使用熔岩打击特效的问题。)
- Tore, the Map Boss no longer refers to himself as Barkhul.
- Attributes (Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence) can no longer go below
- Fixed a bug where Elemental Jewel Cast Speed mods applied their bonus twice.
- Fixed a bug where detonating a Remote Mine would stop the character moving
until you click again.
(引爆 Remote Mine 不再中止移动。)
- Righteous Fire now correctly changes its aura size when its support gems
- Fixed various small bugs related to auto-detecting gateways.
(自动侦测 gateway 的修正。)
- Fixed a bug where fire damage converted to chaos only affected maximum fire
damage, not minimum fire damage, for fire damage that was converted from
cold damage that had been converted from physical damage. This is the
description in the programmer's actual commit message. It deserved to be
left unsimplified!
作者: lenlain (len酱)   2015-07-23 15:54:00
作者: Pridemol (小摸摸)   2015-07-23 15:56:00
作者: Alicputster (Alic)   2015-07-23 16:01:00
作者: statue (statue)   2015-07-23 16:38:00
招换的雷蜘蛛 QQ
作者: ahinetn123 (*兔)   2015-07-23 16:39:00
军团掉宝珍的超烂 打完一群流亡者 只掉垃圾 GG
作者: eagle1234 (宥宥沉思)   2015-07-23 16:39:00
作者: sealifes (角落画圈圈)   2015-07-23 16:44:00
作者: danchen1120 (Dan)   2015-07-23 16:59:00
作者: good90150   2015-07-23 17:03:00
前两难度堆了356尸你才跟我说又NERF了...还有几次 一进到屁眼里 动半步就被地雷秒 含笑半步颠?
作者: alanhwung (Alan)   2015-07-23 17:05:00
作者: sealifes (角落画圈圈)   2015-07-23 17:20:00
原来变成幽魂没改 吓人啊XD
作者: Luber (湾渠中的草虾)   2015-07-23 17:56:00
作者: c871111116 (废文死北七)   2015-07-23 18:17:00
作者: westwade (秋思化刃)   2015-07-23 18:24:00
蜘蛛的幽魂有被NREF吗? 还是只有怪物被NERF?
作者: Comebuy (三分鐘熱度)   2015-07-23 18:52:00
作者: KenshinCS (苍炎‧狂)   2015-07-23 19:10:00
作者: fkc (Mr. 男子汉)   2015-07-23 20:08:00
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2015-07-23 20:22:00
作者: good90150   2015-07-23 20:36:00
就像小时候玩一样阿 被碰到一下飞机就爆了 XD更可恶的是马拉凯还会把地雷放门口.. 一进去动一下就秒恩.. 上面是 像小时候玩雷电一样
作者: c871111116 (废文死北七)   2015-07-23 20:45:00
马拉凯还好吧 前面那三只王跟派蒂死掉复活还是在原图放个光环就又马上躺下去了
作者: good90150   2015-07-23 20:46:00
派蒂攻击方式很蠢 三王除了放地雷的其实蛮好躲的 XD派蒂把会生小怪的打掉后 就开始绕圈圈 先在外面绕大圈然后差不多了往里面绕小圈躲雷射 空档补刀
作者: Adlem (王告海龙神)   2015-07-23 20:51:00
派蒂真的蛮扯的 大概死了十几次
作者: loezone (卷子德德)   2015-07-23 22:17:00
地雷的比较靠北 混沌伤给你放满就饱了
作者: suballhome (佚无名)   2015-07-24 00:54:00
作者: baddyguy (baddyguy)   2015-07-24 08:59:00
我觉得现在的难度OK呀,顶多用TP磨过去专家到现在可以算0死,只有恋战那次 王快死硬拼,死的却是我,不然其实还OK,有难度才好玩派蒂只要抓好攻击模式,根本轻松过马拉凯的地雷,可以用图腾、陷阱、召唤物去碰掉游戏改变很多,但是很多人却用一样的方法去玩所以会觉得有点难玩,调整一下玩法就可以安全过关打王放个诅咒(衰弱、时空)、图腾、魔像...等等,很多方法都可以增加安全度。当然你要当真男人,不TP、不ESC,拼到底也可以~~
作者: loezone (卷子德德)   2015-07-24 09:48:00
我说的是三小王的混沌地雷太多太密集了 图腾老实说要清干净很难
作者: babuturtle (babuturtle)   2015-07-24 14:23:00
就不玩专家了 玩其他联盟至少还能堆尸过

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