Balance Patch
A beta patch was released late last week that focused on balance changes.
It contained some large changes to the Reduced Mana support gem and auras.
Rory has written a manifesto post on the changes here.
(上周特别针对平衡进行的更新,包括了Reduced Mana宝石以及灵气。
相关内容请看 Rory 这篇文章。)
We do appreciate your feedback! Please note that nothing is yet final
on the beta. Once we start locking stuff in, we'll let you know.
Patch later this week
We have many changes on our internal testing server that have yet
to be deployed to the Beta.
We are hoping to have a patch deployed by Friday.
I expect we will have the lockstep and desync changes included in this patch.
It should also include a lot of area/layout changes and Act 4 voice acting.
一个新的延迟判断机制 lockstep and desync 会在这次更新里。
同时也包含了 area/layout 改变,以及第四章的语音。)
New content
We are not ready to introduce the rest of Act 4 yet,
but we're still adding new content.
One new skill should be added, which we will post more news about this week.
We should be introducing a new unique item, many new jewels and changes
to existing jewels.
(这次更新会有一个新的 unique 物品、许多新的 jewels 以及更动现有的 jewels。)
We have made good progress on some specific features such as
Deterministic Lockstep. We need to concentrate on finalising content.
(GGG要专心弄 Deterministic Lockstep 这项功能。)
We are still on track for the late June/early July release discussed
in last week's state of the beta post.