Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)
2015-02-26 22:04:35哦自问自答好了,讨论在这边:
How happy are you guys with the state of alternative defensive skills, such
as Frost Wall, rejuvination totem, etc? Will they be buffed if/when the
standard defensive CwDT setup (EC, IC, inc. duration) is nerfed?
你们觉得其他的防守技能如何,像是 Frost Wall, Rejuvination totem 与其他 ?
(如果)当标准防御 CwDT setup (EC, IC, 延长持续时间)被 nerf 之后。
Do you plan to end the IC + EC + CWDT setup with the new warcries coming out?
Will any of the new warcries potentially replace this as an answer to large
spike damage?
当新的 warcries 推出之后,你们有计画要砍掉这种 setup 吗?新的 warcires 会是
As someone that plays Incinerate a lot moving away from having an option to
cast something like Enduring Cry without interrupting the channel through
CwDT is impacting channeling builds, and especially Incinerate and Flame
Blast with it's ramp up time, more negatively than others. Is this something
you considered? If so do you think it's something that is acceptable or do
you have any ideas on how to give an alternative solution to the problem?
Thanks Mors(知道的就知道)
We are looking at all the defensive options in our current rebalance. Trigger
gem changes aren't something we feel needs to be fully accounted for with
some equal and opposite buff. We are happy with any reduction in the utility
of trigger gems related to Enduring Cry. As it happens, Enduring Cry is being
buffed and improved, but not as a specific compensation. (Carl answered this
question assuming it is directly referring to the Warcry/trigger stuff)
调整时,坚决战吼(红球)技能也会获得 buff 跟改善,但不只是弥补而已。