[情报] Crown of Eyes Nerf.

楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 10:55:48
资料来源:Eternal and Diamond Supporter Newsletter #76
One of the uniques the one that affected build variety most was Crown of
Eyes. While we had foreseen it being strong, it turned out the power of the
multiplicative bonuses it could unlock together was far too powerful. In
1.2.0, Crown of Eyes (including existing ones) will only affect increased and
reduced spell damage. It does not benefit from multiplicative bonuses any
简单来说,Crown of eyes 已经不会支援 more spell damage,只受到
increased/reducded spell damage的影响,所以 PA Node 不再支援 attack damage
Spectral Throw has proven too good compared to bows and to melee. It's a
skill we love and like to see used, but relative to bows it's beating them in
ranged combat, and it's a very safe alternative to melee options.
但灵体投掷把弓手打到吃土了。(rip 老吴)
We are looking at improving bow users in a few ways in 1.2.0. We're buffing
skills, the bows themselves and passives.
所以我们决定在 1.2.0 中用一些方式改善弓手,包括技能、弓箭本身与天赋。
(弓箭本身这句话有点意义不明,大概就是指新增一些 base/unique)
Patch 1.2.0 - Season of Scion_Wu 之我的分裂箭 dps 12w.
Spectral Throw and some of the things that support it will be slightly
nerfed. In contrast some past great melee skills will see a little love.
(Yes, that includes cleave).
会感受到 GGG 的爱(包括 cleave)
One thing that constrains a lot of otherwise great builds is mana cost, so we
have rethought mana costs from first principles. Almost every skill is
affected. Our decision to do this was highlighted by looking at the one month
race stats and seeing Clarity and Eldritch Battery being so highly utilised.
Casters will see a few buffs to little-used spells. The intelligence based
classes, especially with passive tree changes, should see big improvements.
We'll keep an eye on how this goes, as the intelligence classes tend to
capitalize on changes more quickly than other classes. It would be very easy
for this season to become a "season of the Witch" if left unchecked.
season of the witch。
(season of 沧桑ㄟ女人)
The already publicised removal of snapshotting mechanics should limit this a
bit, but with so many changes it will be difficult to assess.
Lightning skills get some of the biggest buffs, however this is tempered by a
major change we are making to Shock. The Shocked status ailment now provides
a 50% increase in damage taken, but no longer stacks.
Shadows get quite a shake up in their tree. The starting area for the shadow
is now divided into a physical half, suitable for physical melee and caster
characters, and an elemental half suitable for your elemental melee and
casting needs. It feels like a much more cohesive tree, and it isn’t such a
challenge to make builds which feel natural for a mage and/or combat assassin.
※ 编辑: Ambrosius (, 08/11/2014 10:59:38
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 11:03:00
作者: dengeebye (dengeebye)   2014-08-11 11:06:00
看来要再观望了 才准备要再台服OB练贵族灵投的
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 11:07:00
没啥好观望的这只影响lowlife/pa user.一楼Scion_Wu之再也不能说“这个配我的眼头很强”
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 11:12:00
Gan我最近看了我很久以前的message 发现眼头刚出的时候我跟一个有钱人说那很强.....现在才发现他是AXN ..gan该收顾问费的....lol
作者: johnrolante (罗兰特)   2014-08-11 11:27:00
台服应该没差吧...看样子应该是不会同步更新等到要更新的时候 差不多要重玩一只endgame build了
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 11:40:00
没关系 我也玩腻了想改玩法系 正火60%more 还在就好
作者: lee11708 (KL)   2014-08-11 11:41:00
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 11:46:00
关弓手屁事 又不是buff弓手....xd楼楼上到时一起拓荒新联盟吧!
作者: lee11708 (KL)   2014-08-11 11:51:00
improving bow users 你可能没看到这句
作者: robinroy2003 (紫籽)   2014-08-11 11:53:00
可恶 下一季该起手弓手了嘛!!??(结果丢毒箭陷阱)
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 11:54:00
作者: bnn (前途无亮回头是暗)   2014-08-11 11:55:00
1M已经是Path of witch了...话说shock 50%不叠不知道好还是坏
作者: johnrolante (罗兰特)   2014-08-11 12:00:00
什么时候要path of 老头(误
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 12:02:00
作者: johnrolante (罗兰特)   2014-08-11 12:03:00
不然path of T好惹
作者: aker0357 (Internet is a monster.)   2014-08-11 12:03:00
作者: johnrolante (罗兰特)   2014-08-11 12:05:00
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 12:06:00
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 12:06:00
作者: longlyeagle (长鹰宝宝实验室)   2014-08-11 12:14:00
灵投总算要NERF了 爽 (被围殴
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 12:15:00
我的dps从310k变成 ...298k...(伤心)(被打)
作者: david79111 (大C瓜)   2014-08-11 12:22:00
PA是那个残血more spell damage的天赋点吗?
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 12:32:00
楼楼上298k 带来新联盟啊!
作者: Minions (Je pense, donc je suis)   2014-08-11 12:32:00
这样shocking ground 就变50%增伤了耶Q_Q
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 12:33:00
ahadears, WTS 签名档,100ex
作者: bnn (前途无亮回头是暗)   2014-08-11 12:42:00
但是shocing ground保证不会再被叠了,应该也不错...
作者: loveFantasy (特)   2014-08-11 12:53:00
vaal lightning trap表示
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 12:58:00
Taming表示:gan 躺着中枪
作者: Fm960805 (fm)   2014-08-11 13:04:00
我没再玩 但美服sc有三颗眼头耶xdd
作者: fushway (浮)   2014-08-11 13:08:00
楼上高兴啥 快上线卖掉阿 = =
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2014-08-11 13:08:00
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 13:09:00
作者: Fm960805 (fm)   2014-08-11 13:34:00
卖不卖没差了拉XD 都没在玩了 三颗眼头 6L裂风 一把雷槌都随风去吧~~~~~~~
楼主: Ambrosius (ahadears: 关弓手屁事)   2014-08-11 13:59:00
作者: Minions (Je pense, donc je suis)   2014-08-11 14:13:00
偷渡个在podcast看到的新天赋树? http://ppt.cc/qJXY应该是官网的图片整理版而已 是说诅咒被拆成两边啦?
作者: fushway (浮)   2014-08-11 14:17:00
楼上实用连结 一直在等~
作者: ahadears (.....)   2014-08-11 14:33:00
Inner force大搬家!!虾豆暴撃连haste? 是要爽死谁!
作者: bnn (前途无亮回头是暗)   2014-08-11 14:40:00
作者: lewis803 (Lewis)   2014-08-11 16:48:00
收4/2眼头~ 30ex~ 刚白痴自己卖掉惹XDDDDDDD
作者: stormNEW (再也不信人)   2014-08-11 17:42:00
对进战来说改善错位就是神恩了阿 奇怪怎都修不好
作者: louis10643 (毛毛)   2014-08-11 18:53:00
我为什么找不到双诅咒 只找到Hex master (变成小颗)呕我找到了话说原本在一起的两个Keystone也被分太远XD
作者: tony820708 (freezingkills)   2014-08-11 19:39:00
而且都变小颗了 好像还会有增加诅咒效果的天赋(?
作者: FayeOwO (不是飞,是废)   2014-08-12 09:21:00

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