CindyLinz (Cindy Wang)
2015-10-05 13:50:41http://www.meetup.com/Functional-Thursday/events/225463973/
这周还有一次加开场 Functional Thursday #31
也是星期四, 在同一地点 Mozilla Space 欧~~
## Sharing about Akka and the actor model
(by Victor Chan - Software Engineer, API - MediaMath)
Actor model is handy, powerful and easy to use, however,
it is not (yet) perfect. This talk discuss the usage of (Akka) actors
to build (web) servers and demonstrates that sometimes the simplest way
is the best way. We'll discuss:
‧ How does it mix with Futures/Promise?
‧ Is it better than a typical Java approach?
‧ Is the performance good enough for production?
‧ Domain-Driven Design (DDD) vs workers (concurrent)?
‧ What do we learn from here?
## Datatypes à la Carte: 任君组合资料结构!
(by SCM)
法文 "à la Carte" 意指不点套餐,而从菜单上随喜好点菜。
Wouter Swierstra 2008 年发表的 "datatypes a la carte" (DTC)
让我们能如同单点餐一样地,为已存在的资料结构添加新的 case.
函数语言中容易增加新函数,但若替已存在的资料结构多增加一个 case,
资料结构多增加个 case 只是多个继承,但多添个 method 就得修改所有的物件。
能否使两者都容易呢?DTC 被许多人认为是最好的解决方案。
本次 Functional Thursday, 我将作个简介,希望大家觉得有用。