dryman (dryman)
2010-06-04 23:52:46※ [本文转录自 CSSE 看板 #1C2I3W9h ]
作者: dryman (dryman) 看板: CSSE
标题: [闲聊] a scheme intermpreter writen in Perl
时间: Fri Jun 4 23:50:50 2010
有些 Lisp 的语法之前都没玩过XD
Part 1 Implementing a Scheme-Like Interpreter
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Why Perl?
1.2 Why Scheme?
1.3 References
1.4 Typography
1.5 A Note on the Interpreter Versions
Chapter 2 An Introduction to PScheme
2.1 PScheme Syntax
2.2 Simple Expressions
2.3 Conditionals
2.4 Global Variables
2.5 Functions
2.6 Local Variables
Chapter 3 Interpreter Version 0.0.0
3.1 The Read-Eval-Print Loop
3.2 The Environment
3.3 The Reader
3.4 PScheme Expressions
3.5 Evaluation
3.5.1 Evaluation of Literals
3.5.2 Evaluation of Symbols
3.5.3 Evaluation of Lists
3.6 Primitive Operations
3.7 Special Forms
3.8 Output
3.9 Summary
3.10 Tests
Chapter 4 Implementing let
4.1 The Environment
4.1.1 A Stack-based Environment
4.1.2 A Linked List Environment
4.2 Global Environments have a Problem
4.3 Environment Passing
4.4 let Itself
4.5 Summary
4.6 Tests
Chapter 5 Implementing lambda
5.1 lambda
5.2 Evaluating a Closure
5.3 Printing a Closure
5.4 Summary
5.5 Tests
Chapter 6 Recursion and letrec
6.1 letrec
6.1.1 Assignment
6.1.2 PSCM::LetRec itself
6.2 Summary
6.3 Tests
Chapter 7 Another Variation on let
7.1 Sequential Binding
7.2 let*
7.3 Summary
7.4 Tests
Chapter 8 List Processing
8.1 quote
8.2 list
8.3 car and cdr
8.4 cons
8.4.1 Dot Notation
8.5 Implementation
8.5.1 Changes to Expressions
8.5.2 Changes to Primitives and Special Forms
8.5.3 Changes to Closures
8.5.4 Changes to the Environment
8.5.5 Changes to the Reader
8.6 Summary
8.7 Tests
Chapter 9 Macros
9.1 macro
9.2 Evaluating Macros
9.2.1 Trying it out
9.2.2 An Improvement
9.2.3 One Last Addition
9.3 Summary
9.4 Tests
Chapter 10 Side Effects
10.1 The Beauty of Functional Languages
10.2 Variable Assignment
10.3 Sequences
10.4 Summary
10.5 Tests
Chapter 11 define
11.1 Environment Changes
11.2 The define Special Form
11.3 Persistant Environments
11.4 Tests
Chapter 12 Classes and Objects
12.1 Features of this implementation
12.1.1 Inheritance
12.1.2 Class Variables and Methods
12.1.3 super Calls
12.1.4 Feature Summary
12.2 Implementation
12.2.1 Class Creation with make-class
12.2.2 Object Creation
12.2.3 init Method Invocation
12.2.4 General Method Invocation
12.2.5 super Method Invocation
12.2.6 Wiring it up
12.3 Summary and Variations
12.4 Tests
Chapter 13 Continuations
13.1 Tail Recursion and Tail Call Optimization
13.2 Continuation Passing Style
13.3 Example CPS Transformations
13.4 The Trampoline
13.5 Using CPS
13.6 Implementation
13.6.1 Our Trampoline Implementation
13.6.2 CPS let and lambda
13.6.3 CPS letrec
13.6.4 CPS let*
13.6.5 CPS List Processing
13.6.6 CPS macro and unquote
13.6.7 CPS Sequences and Assignment
13.6.8 CPS define
13.6.9 CPS OOP
13.7 CPS Without Closures
13.8 CPS Fun
13.8.1 An error Handler
13.8.2 yield
13.9 Summary
Chapter 14 Threads
14.1 Variations
14.2 Tests
Chapter 15 Better Error Handling
15.1 The Built in error Primitive
15.2 Using the error Builtin for Internal Errors
15.3 Tests
Chapter 16 Chronological Backtracking
16.1 Introducing amb
16.2 Examples of amb in Action
16.2.1 The “Liars” Puzzle
16.2.2 Barrels of Fun
16.2.3 Pythagorean Triples
16.2.4 Parsing Natural Language
16.3 Implementing amb
16.3.1 Changes to Continuations
16.3.2 Mechanical Transformations of the Interpreter
16.3.3 Remaining Continuation Changes
16.3.4 amb Itself
16.3.5 Changes to define
16.3.6 Changes to set!
16.3.7 Changes to repl()
16.3.8 Additional Changes
16.4 Support for Testing amb
16.4.1 and and or
16.4.2 Numeric Inequality Tests
16.4.3 eq?
16.4.4 Wiring it up
16.5 Summary and Directions
16.5.1 An Alternative Implementation
16.6 Tests
Chapter 17 Unification and Logic Programming
17.1 Logic Programming Examples
17.1.1 Mary and John
17.1.2 J. S. Bach and Family
17.1.3 Appending Lists
17.1.4 Factorial Again
17.1.5 Symbolic Differentiation
17.2 Pattern Matching
17.2.1 A Perl Pattern Matcher
17.3 Unification
17.3.1 A Perl Unifier
17.3.2 Implementing unify in PScheme
17.4 Logic Programming
17.5 More Logic Programming Examples
17.5.1 Parsing (again)
17.5.2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
17.6 Summary, Shortcomings and Short-cuts
17.6.1 Functors and Arity
17.6.2 The Cut
17.6.3 Backtracking Efficiency
17.7 Tests
Chapter 18 Summary