bll135 (洪大少)
2023-05-18 12:22:06https://reurl.cc/WDpWye
They said on the radio today that he "lost some of the team" and again mentioned he has favorites and they weren't sure if his "falling out" with CP3 during the Mavs series was ever resolved. Sounds like he was kind of a pain to deal with toward the end.
On the radio they mentioned him alienating Ayton and Jae, and that Jae had a lot of fans in the locker room and didn't like how Monty treated him.
Also mentioned how he refused to give newly acquired or younger players a shot
其实Monty人都走了,没有必要继续爆料,这样不利于招募新教练Bob Myers是个很厉害的总管,多次利用各种薪资条例维持勇士阵容与竞争力如果真的离开勇士,一定很多球队想抢,阿仁的位置岌岌可危
作者: PatlaborGao2 2023-05-18 17:48:00
没用吧 你把八村那位子换成涡轮也不差啊蒙提不给上也没用不过交易的事很难说啦说不定没老板的介入 还真让天选之仁凹到少送一些筹码也换到KD
作者: william82111 2023-05-19 11:12:00