thepowers (thepowers)
2021-06-11 03:51:02466.77 支援3070Ti结果忘了把热修放进去
Update: A previous version of this article reported on the 466.77 driver, but
soon after releasing the 466.77 driver today, Nvidia hurriedly launched a
hotfix driver version 466.79. The new hotfix is completely based on the
previous driver which means it contains those earlier optimizations and also
adds a fix to resolve the display flickering issue. The problem is noted in the
list of known bugs section highlighted by code number 3314055.
Users, on desktops and notebooks, who are experiencing this flickering problem
can download the 466.79 hotfix driver from the following links:
※ 引述《thepowers (thepowers)》之铭言:
: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/456836/
: announcing-geforce-hotfix-driver-46674-released-68/
: https://tinyurl.com/y32x6bmg
: GeForce Hotfix display driver version 466.74 is based on our latest Game Ready
: Driver 466.63.
: The hotfix addresses the following issue:
: [Kepler/Turing]:DCP WATCHDOG VIOLATION error may occur on some systems with
: GeForce GTX 600/700/16 and GeForce RTX 20 series GPUs [3321668][3321735]
: 修复囉
: ※ 引述《jh961202 (阿电)》之铭言:
: : 自回一下新进度,后来退版后一直都稳定使用且从此没再BSOD过
: : 过了几天后GFE一样提示有驱动程式更新可以用,但是就没有理他
: : 直到今天无意间点开系统图示发现更新提示不见了,且GFE还说目前的驱动程式是最新的
: : https://i.imgur.com/71VPAIt.png
: : 抱着好奇心去看466.63的下载页面,好样的还真的移除了对600及700系桌面GPU的支援
: : https://i.imgur.com/dWDylaK.png
: : (有趣的是这版驱动的release note PDF档里面还没改掉,依然写着可以支援)
: : https://i.imgur.com/baIYYrX.png
: : 难道说600和700系的卡就因为此事件要直接被放生吗?目前还不清楚
: : 不过翻遍国外乡民论坛,并没有发现NV针对此事做出任何回应
: : 虽然也有部分使用者发现NV默默撤下466.63对700系的支援
: : 但这个问题在所有社群还是维持炎上状态,而且持续有30或20系新卡发生灾情
: : 就看NV下一个版本会不会搞定这个问题了
: : 以上后续追踪和各位分享!