※ 引述《KotoriCute (Lovelive!)》之铭言:
: http://i.imgur.com/gIp742P.png
: 4月11日开卖 台湾时间应该是4月12日
: Ryzen 5 1600X => 6c12t / Base 3.6GHz / Turbo 4.0Ghz / $249
: Ryzen 5 1600 => 6c12t / Base 3.2GHz / Turbo 3.6Ghz / $219
: Ryzen 5 1500X => 4c8t / Base 3.5GHz / Turbo 3.7Ghz / $189
: Ryzen 5 1400 => 4c8t / Base 3.2GHz / Turbo 3.4Ghz / $169
: 用Ryzen 1700 1:33 的汇率去算
: 大概是分别 8220 7230 6240 5500
: i5 掰掰
We have confirmation from AMD that there are no silly games going to be
played with Ryzen 5. The six-core parts will be a strict 3+3 combination,
while the four-core parts will use 2+2. This will be true across all CPUs,
ensuring a consistent performance throughout.
Anandtech 跟AMD那边确认过后 确定所有型号的 4c8t Ryzen 5 都是 2+2
8c 的芯片里两块 CCX 各自关掉 2core 做成4c
Ryzen 5 规格