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作者: carotyao (汐止吴慷仁) 看板: VideoCard
标题: [新闻] 俄罗斯人因为AMD跟NV显卡之争杀害朋友
时间: Tue Feb 21 11:52:29 2017
NVIDIA vs AMD Argument Ends in Murder
Since the dawn of gaming, fanatics have adopted partisan positions supporting
their favourite brand. Whether it be Sega vs Nintendo, PlayStation vs Xbox,
or NVIDIA vs AMD, these polarised postures have been the source of much
childish bickering and sniping over the decades. But how many of these
squabbles have ended in murder?
Old work colleagues Aleksander Trofimov, 31, and Evgeny Lylin, 37, met for
drinks in Saransk, Russia on 16th September, 2016. The two Russian friends
got into a heated debate about which graphics card was better, AMD or NVIDIA?
Lylin praised AMD’s rendering capacity, while Trofimov hailed NVIDIA for
making the GPU for gamers. The debate, fuelled by copious amounts of alcohol,
took an unsavoury turn, resulting in Trofimov bludgeoning Lyulin twice in the
head and stabbing him eleven times to death, according to Russian site
As he sobered up, Trofimov decided to try to hide the evidence of his crime.
He stripped the deceased of his clothes and put them in a bag with Lyulin’s
mobile phone and wrapped the body in cellophane. The drove the body and
clothes to a remote lot near Rezinotekhnika. He dumped the body on the lot
and threw the bag with the clothes and phone off a bridge and into a river.
After Lyulin’s mother phoned Trofimov the next morning to ask about the
location of her son, Trofimov returned to the lot to burn Lyulin’s body.
Trofimov was sentenced to a measly nine-and-a-half years in priso, was the
Judge an NVIDIA fan?
两个好友兼同事的Aleksander Trofimov(31)与Evgeny Lylin(37)于2016年9月16