valkylin2 (CDPR Fans)
2015-11-20 21:45:21恩 虽然之前有发一篇文章测试改版后的<传奇>PC Game 蝙蝠侠阿卡汉骑士,当时
是在我自己的机器上执行效能的确有增进,后来用我的笔电测试(i7 4710HQ + 980m)
完全玩不下去XDDD 全开 关闭烟雾特效才能勉强50FPS上下,重点是越玩越Lag (眼神死
We’ve been working with our development and graphics driver partners over
the last few months to investigate utilizing multi-GPU support within Batman:
Arkham Knight. The result was that even the best case estimates for
performance improvements turned out to be relatively small given the high
risk of creating new issues for all players. As a result we’ve had to make
the difficult decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support. We are
disappointed that this was not practical and apologize to those who have been
waiting for this feature.
靠北啊 NV都派人去支援了还是宣告SLI无法提升游戏效能,所以决定放弃SLI跟CF支援
也有点混啊,Fallout 4到现在还弄不出SLI profile(听说NV也同样派人到Bug社想办法搞)