※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1YCj8zKZ ] 作者: lens82801 (开始QQ的见习生) 看板: NBA 标题: [情报] 溜马签下Justin Anderson 时间: Thu Mar 17 14:16:25 2022 消息来源:https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1504274248957050880 内容: Free agent G/F Justin Anderson is signing a 10-day deal with the Indiana Pacers, his agents Mark Bartelstein and Andy Shiffman of @PrioritySports tell ESPN. He was the G League’s most recent Player of the Week for Ft. Wayne. Justin Anderson与溜马签下十天短约,他是G League最新的本周最佳球员。 短评或心得: 本季曾分别与骑士、溜马签过十天短约, 1月签的10天短约到期后加入溜马的G League球队Fort Wayne Mad Ants, 本季G League场均27.8分 6.9篮板 4.4助攻 47.7/39.6/88.5 再次与新秀年的教练卡帅聚首,希望他能把握机会表现。