hsf0318 (相思果易使人相思)
2014-05-16 23:41:43对于这次的季后赛 我跟我朋友真的觉得太失望
以下是我们之间的对话 各位可以看看觉得当地人说的有没有道理
友: what about that pacer game though huh? awful right?! i really hope they get
their shit together and win this game..if they went to 7 games it would be
sooo disappointing
我: I thought they can close this series at home but dissapointed. If they play
into 7games that would definitely make me down.
I thoght we can close these 2 series within 5 games but I was wrong. And now
I think the worst deal is trade Granger for Turner.
友: its so strange cuz during the main season we were always better at
home..rarely lost at home.. but now..
i agree!! why in the world did they trade granger? everything fell apart
since then
我: I'm not saying Turner is bad. But Granger is the leader in locker room.
友: true..he was with us for sooo long..and honeslty they played granger way more
than turner..turner rarely sees the floor
you know they should stop relying on the main players and let the bench play
more..they have so much passion and would definitely work harder to win
我: Exactly. But so far I can't feel any passion during the games. I don't really
wanna say this but if we still play like this, we won't beat the Heat in
eastern final.
友: exactly! its true... we have the talent.. but the passion and the desire is
where we have issues.. the boys dont seem to want it..and i feel vogel isnt
doing a good enough job of motivating them.. if i was there they would be SOO
motivated...we would never lose a game
我: And also they lost the desire of defense. It's the most weapon have but they
lost it in playoff. *sigh*
友: yah...really really awful..im so disappointed.. but all we can do is really
wish and pray that they will get back their passion and desire!
我: yah... i hope they will win the series tomorrow.
友: oh LORD pleaseeee!!
我: LORD pleaseeeee!!
友: we've got alot of praying to do ahead of us huh? lol
我: yah... we did. lol
1. 我们失去防守
2. 原本就贫攻 现在的进攻更OOXX
希望我们的防守可以早点找回那个热情 对篮板的执著 铁打的防守 打铁的进攻
这才是我们的球风 才有机会 beat the floppers
希望先发群跟板凳群们加油啊... let's pray for pacers to win the eastern final.
ppacers (印地安那溜马队go!!)
2014-05-16 23:43:00说真的对老鹰真的只差几个play,印象中第六战马西屏最后一后一分多钟一个关键进攻板给阿伯打进,不然恐怕...前两轮没有去年打的好
ghast159 (PaulGeorge24)
2014-05-16 23:55:00这应该不只是印城球迷的心声 是全溜马迷都如此觉得
jpd (转角遇到老板)
2014-05-17 00:10:00我觉得球队在进攻跟防守上失衡太严重就跟那几年跟活塞争冠的感觉很像活塞当年主要是赢在他们得分点非常稳定以空手跑位的稳定中距离跳投+禁区的溪蛙单打+枪溪的大心脏溜马距离这样坚强防守+稳定进攻还有段落差
hss512 (七言絕å¥)
2014-05-17 00:29:00现在的替补就是四不像 期待的进攻打不出来 防守又破破烂烂
hsf0318 (相思果易使人相思)
2014-05-17 01:13:00真的 超囧 叹
oglms (神米来当教练吧!)
2014-05-17 21:53:00没有失衡啊,很平均的烂
rssai (遗忘需要多久)
2014-05-17 21:54:00替补分开看很强啊~~怎么一上场就...........
作者: Nokiajojo (I Love PTT) 2014-05-18 13:42:00