[PT] Hetzner Server Auction

楼主: huanran0824 (代购小铺开张囉)   2017-04-30 21:24:54
在TPS论坛看到这间公司 而且大家使用上的评价都还蛮不错的
配置1g的网卡 也保证1g的频宽 一个月20tb上传量 有的到30tb
重点是如果你傻傻的选他们的产品 会有设定费 像我 差点中计
但他们现在有拍卖活动 这是他们的拍卖列表 http://tinyurl.com/o4kcvcq
从20欧到100多欧都有 重点在于不用设定费 一个月内都能解约
30欧就有2tb*3 的空间可以用 cp值还蛮高的
我看上一款 480gb ssd * 4 …空间跟速度都会顾到
不然我 现在ssd 才900gb 已经爆了2次了
顺手贴上别人的心得 上下传都有不错的速度
This time I went slightly cheaper again. 31.40euros for a i7 2660 with 16GB
RAM, 2x3TB HDD. (Not enterprise standard this time). Well, I was absolutely
blown away with its performance. Consistantly getting over 90MB/s down on
well seeded torrents. Upload has peaked over 86MB/s and that was when the
download was over 60MB/s at the same time. Speeds home are fantastic as well,
almost completely saturating my home connection. It's early days yet, but
this one looks like a keeper.

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