Facebook RF HW 约聘职缺

楼主: orcia (超超 )   2022-04-11 11:42:32
哈囉 大家好
敝公司诚征RF HW设计工程师在Sunnyvale, CA (约聘)
- Connectivity RFHW design with expertise in one or more of the following area
s: GPS, NFC, WiFi, BT
- Understand HW design process and capable of driving product design process f
rom early prototyping, tuning, validation, and certification in specific areas
- RF Schematic and layout design and review, RF tuning and optimization.
Perform simulations for RF design (3D EM and circuit level simulations) is a p
- Good communicator and collaborator. Work closely with internal and external
cross-functional teams to ensure meets the specs at the component, board, and
system level.
- Drive factory proto build and resolve issue and FA
作者: wei0803 (breakin)   2022-04-12 14:22:00

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