公司:Formosa Plastics Corp.
地点:Point Comfort Plant, Texas
职缺:Process Engineer
学历要求:BS or MS degree. Chemical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemi
stry, Materials Science Engineering, Physics
Job description: The objective of a process engineer is to manufacture the hi
ghest quality product in the most efficient and economic manner. The process e
ngineer also initiates and develops new processes, modifies and improves exist
ing processes, obtains, compiles, and monitors plant operating data to determi
ne efficiency and cost effects, and troubleshoots problems in order to optimiz
e plant operations.
1. will first work for an Engineering firm as a Contract Engineer for a couple
of years before converting to a Formosa employee)
2. Employer sponsor H1b Visa application.
Contact persons:
Chris Chen
[email protected]