eric1527 (我不想知道阿)
2018-01-13 04:54:26大家好!我是宋皓翔(Hao Hsiang Song),今年在芝加哥大学读CS研究所。
我目前在Google intern team match阶段,如果有合适团队,恳请前辈提拔。
我有两年Java backend development的经验,主要开发Restful
services, ORM, batch processing, and both unit and integration testing。
我目前对前后端技术都十分向往,希望可以朝microservices designing深入。
(312) 513 8073
[email protected]
I am currently pursuing M.S. in Computer Science at University of Chicago.
I believe with two years professional experience in Java backend development
at Live365 and Innova Solutions, I would make a great fit based on:
* Fast learner
Learning new technologies on the fly is one of the traits I developed
from my previous jobs. At Live365, within first two weeks,
I was able to pick up the REST protocols and commit myself to
advertisement-server development. Immediately, I adapted Jersey, Guice
and JUnit frameworks. On top of that, at Innova Solutions, I instantly
dived into the implementation of backend services with Spring
frameworks. Particularly, I had solitarily integrated Spring Batch with
the Document Processing Engine in a master-slave architecture in the
span of a sprint. The prompt output of mine was recognized by my peers
and supervisors.
* Backend experience
From my two previous positions, I had gained a comprehensive
understanding in backend engineering. At Live365, I learned to
leverage lightweight framework such as Jersey for RESTful APIs, Guice
for dependency injection and Redis for caching. Even, I set out with
a more continuous delivery aim by approaching Docker container for
test environments. Innova Solutions, on the other hand, took a more
consistent approach via Spring frameworks. Particularly, I had the
pleasure to solitarily integrate Spring Batch with our Document
Processing Engine in a master-slave architecture.
* Ownership
In my role as a software developer, I was responsible for not only the
delivery, but the quality of my work. From coding styles to unit test
coverage, Innova Solutions had a stern procedure of code development
including design reviews, code reviews, unit tests, git merging and
sonar scans. Additionally, having that commingled with the nature of
rapid requirement-changes in Agile meant the codes delivered must be
testable and reusable in the very first place and a strong sense of
ownership ensued.
=========== CV ===========
The University of Chicago, Chicago IL (expected) 12.2018
M.S. in Computer Science
National Taiwan University, Taipei 01.2014
B.S. in Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering
Java, Spring Core, Spring Batch, Jersey REST, Oracle DB, MyBatis ORM, JMS,
Mockito, Maven, Guice DI, JUnit, Redis, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Handlebars.js,
Python, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Data Structures, Haskel
Artificial Intelligence, SQL, React.js
Professional Experience:
Java Developer - Innova Solutions, Taipei 05.2016 - 08.2017
* Modernized document processing engine that processes 1 million documents
daily from ground up using Spring Batch, MyBatis ORM, JMS, ActiveMQ,
Mockito, and Oracle
* Rotated as representative from Taipei to St. Louis, ensuring
communications and having 2 sites combined into 1 Scrum team
* Engineered integration tests with dynamic table creation and data
autogeneration that inserts and purges data from 15+ tables.
* Integrated engine with Spring Batch in a master-slave architecture
so that the master would spin up a number of slaves which dynamically
listen to MQ for tasks
* Tailored internal logging utilities that decouple Log4j implementation
from each projects
* Awarded 2017 Taiwan Trend Setter among 100+ colleagues
Jr. Java Backend Developer - Live365, Inc., Taipei 08.2015 – 01.2016
* Developed RESTful services with Oracle, Redis databases, Maven,
and Guice
* Performed functional tests with JUnit, and RestAssured
* Implemented service-layer transaction management
Technical Projects:
Photo Album — frontend project 04.2016
* Designed responsive web pages by using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery,
and Handlebars.js
* Supported backend photo upload through Spring Data to MongoDB
Utopian Help, Hackathon 04.2016
* Delivered prototype backend in 36 hours from designing to implementation
* Leveraged Jersey framework for RESTful APIs, and Maven for dependency
学弟,两个建议。1.描述太冗长,尤其第一部份2. 你已经是社会人士了,发正式文件措辞庄重一点“希望”前辈“有机会”“可以提拔一下”这句观感很差Who are you? 为什么我要“有机会”来“提拔”未知的你
wawi2 (@@)
2018-01-13 22:33:00我觉得措辞没什么问题啊 有人太敏感...
人之间networking本来就是“敏感”跟“细节”的事情尤其西方世界更重视这些manner 所以加油,好吗^_^
作者: gus2 2018-01-13 23:53:00
expiate (夜露死苦)
2018-01-14 00:15:00措辞还满有礼貌的,用来当开头还可以吧?难不成要说可以帮你赚一百万,性能优化十倍这种你就信?
RLCorn (山氣日夕佳)
2018-01-14 00:25:00每个人感受不同吧,但没恶意或颐气指使倒还好
miluco (I'm feeling lucky)
2018-01-14 00:51:00没有感觉有什么不礼貌, 二楼太敏感了一点如果用英文来翻译,可以有很多方式写,但他写的中文看起来很正常,并无不妥还有,没毕业之前,都叫学生,不算真正社会人士相对的我还觉得他写得太礼貌了一点,可以写"帮忙"就好前辈们当然没有"义务"要"提拔"你,但是他要team match发这文就是要请已经在G社的前辈"帮忙",而且应该都是不认识的
二楼不知道在呛啥..你就算要提醒也不用一副要教训人的口气,我才想问who are you?你没有"提拔"别人还是少用这种口气跟别人说话,基本上会用这种口气讲话我觉得你其实也不太像社会人士,加油,好吗^_^
作者: tintinmonkey (arctic monkeys) 2018-01-14 05:21:00
我觉得原文看起来蛮诚恳的啊 没什么不妥,真的重视敏感或细节的话,这种措辞的建议会用站内信而不是让原po难堪或尴尬吧
exthrash (Wherever I may roam)
2018-01-14 05:26:00二楼是在呛啥? 原po措辞明明就很好 第一段长度差不多CV是有点太长 可以放在link 想要帮忙的人再点进去看就好二楼才应该要加油 问问自己who are you
laba5566 (最爱56家族 啾咪)
2018-01-14 05:44:00别理2楼 他大概最近被阿三经理pip ㄏㄏ
sorryla (Mr.东)
2018-01-14 06:01:00二楼很有社会人士的样子阿,爱摆架子的那种
Itia (:PPPP)
2018-01-14 06:03:00感觉是东西方求职的差异,在西方(尤其硅谷)谦虚在求职上没有什么加分,反而是明确列出自己的强项比较会被青睐至于fast learner 是每个人都自称自己是,所以有点鸡肋
laidon (è³´è‘£)
2018-01-14 07:00:002楼大概是觉得太礼貌吧! 但内文可以再缩减一些是真的。
poc7667 (poc)
2018-01-14 10:40:00觉得二楼太敏感啦
raichu312 (RahXephon)
2018-01-14 11:46:002楼在迁怒吗~
哈哈哈哈!!我只能说只要没不礼貌 自然会有相合同好会去match
二楼说的没错;原波用字遣词可以再自信坚定一点。像什么”I believe”这种写出来就有点太软了。加油!
2楼好老喔 社会人士欸 我们菜逼八吓都吓死了 > <
作者: rayu (.........) 2018-01-15 01:57:00
我来推二楼。忠言一般逆耳,更何况二楼只是就事论事给出建议。毕竟米国不吃温良恭俭让这套,你是否有自信应对别人的质疑也很重要。祝福原 PO 进入合适的团队迅速累积经验值~
ken1325 (优质水瓶男)
2018-01-15 02:37:00看看硅谷,印度人最爱提拔自己人,再看看2F,台湾人最爱摆架子教训人,呵呵。
作者: gus2 2018-01-15 07:19:00
miluco (I'm feeling lucky)
2018-01-15 09:50:00二楼提的建议只有两个"1.描述太冗长",这点我相信大部分人都认同,第二点"发正式文件措辞庄重一点",我看不出有哪里具体?我在美国职场15年,九成的同事都白皮肤,不要说什么manner,外国人一样有客套礼貌的美德.建议归建议,二楼的语气,实在没什么好认同的,听起来很呛,没有人有义务要帮你内推,重点是他写的中文没有问题,难道我们念的国文不同?不是不认同二楼的就叫酸.
BIGBBB (yaaaa)
2018-01-15 12:46:00二楼完全是老鸟很跩耶没给意见但至少不会硬挑一个毛病来摆高姿态教训人^^
你觉得他跩又怎样?跩的前辈也是有东西可以教。教训也是建议,也能学东西。不过算了,干我什么事 XD你们要酸去酸吧!
作者: gus2 2018-01-15 18:54:00
BIGBBB (yaaaa)
2018-01-15 20:52:00硬要挑毛病=可以学到东西? 神逻辑
sorryla (Mr.东)
2018-01-16 13:46:00教训也是建议? lol 跟以前权威式的打你是为你好异曲同工你喜欢被人家这种态度"建议"是你的事情,不要要求别人跟你一样