cult2 (cult)
2023-01-15 18:16:14最近少玩游戏都看国内外自媒体Youtuber居多,看了蛮多影片介绍老游戏的
若有还算不赖的英文或英译(无中文/汉化)DQ-like 选单战斗RPG
sfc the 7th saga;mystic ark;Arabian Nights;Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz;
silva saga2;Eien no Filerna;Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes;
Dark Kingdom(日文;尚未英译)
Arcana;star ocean;g-o-d;Obitus
Chaos Seed;Record of Lodoss War
md Dungeons & Dragons - Warriors of the Eternal Sun;
Maten no Soumetsu (英文:魔天的创灭)
ps1 beyond the beyond;legend of legaia;koudelka(修道院之谜)
psp dragoneer's aria ; Wizardry Empire III - Haou no Keifu
nds Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled(黑色咒印放逐的刀刃);
Sands of Destruction
ps2 grandia3;tsugunai atonement
GC baten_kaitos;Lost Kingdoms
Wii Arc Rise Fantasia
Win10 (rpgmaker居多)
hero's realm;Laxius Power;$Ara fell;everlong
THEIA - THE CRIMSON ECLIPSE;Umbral Soul;Deadly Sin 2
Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods;Echoes of Aetheria
dondoran;bloodsphere;Exiles's Journey;Faith in Feathers
Legend of Heroen;dragon fantasy remade;remnatns of isolation deluxe
Atonement: Scourge of Time;Seraphic Blue
另偷渡一下 Y23 sea of star...awfully..期待下一个10年以下变成老游戏:p