Re: [情报] 这礼拜六 有那个喔!!

楼主: Arvin199 (真正的期待不客气)   2011-05-24 14:55:17
提到的那首歌 是电影"埃及王子"的插曲: "Through Heaven's Eyes"
非常好听~歌词也很棒, 感动一来就把他翻译了,与大家分享!
动画版 (少年摩西真帅XD )
A single thread in a tapestry 一条锦织里的线
Through its color brightly shine 造就了整体的闪耀美丽,
Can never see its purpose 单看好像无法明白
In the pattern of the grand design 自己是身在整体伟大的设计中
And the stone that sits on the very top 而在山丘最顶端
Of the mountain's mighty face 面对着群峰最正面显眼之处的石头,
Does it think it's more important 难道比造就山峰最底之处的基石重要吗?
Than the stones that form the base?
So how can you see what your life is worth 所以你如何知道自己生命值得什么,
Or where your value lies? 或是自己的价值在何处?
You can never see through the eyes of man 你不能用世人的眼来看
You must look at your life 你必须自己审视自己的生命
Look at your life through heaven's eyes 藉用上天的眼 来看自己的生命
Lai-la-lai... 莱-拉-莱...
A lake of gold in the desert sand 在沙漠中一座金湖
Is less than a cool fresh spring 远不如一座清爽的活泉水 更能让旅人解渴
And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy 而对于一只迷失走散 需要温暖的小羊
Is greater than the richest king 一个牧羊少年则远胜过一个国王
If a man lose ev'rything he owns 一个人若失去了所有拥有的
Has he truly lost his worth? 难道他就真的失去了自己的价值?
Or is it the beginning 或是那可能会是个启程,
Of a new and brighter birth? 是一份崭新光芒的重生?
So how do you measure the worth of a man 所以你如何测量一个人的价值?
In wealth or strength or size? 是从财富、强壮、还是能力大小?
In how much he gained or how much he gave? 或是该从他得到了多少、他给予了多少?
The answer will come 答案总会来临
The answer will come to him who tries 那些愿意努力 藉用上天的眼
To look at his life through heaven's eyes 来看自己的生命的人 将会得到答案
And that's why we share all we have with you 这也是为何我们与你分享一切
Though there's little to be found 虽然此时你似乎只找寻到那样一丁点
When all you've got is nothing 但转念一想 当你什么都没找到时
There's a lot to go around 那代表将还有许多的美好等你去寻找
No life can escape being blown about 没有任何生命可以掩藏逃避
By the winds of change and chance 生命中带来改变以及机会的风向
And though you never know all the steps 而你虽永不知下一步会如何
You must learn to join the dance 你还是要勇敢加入舞池
You must learn to join the dance 你还是要在舞池中自然开怀
So how do you judge what a man is worth 所以你要如何论断一个人的价值?
By what he builds or buys? 是由他所建树的还是它所能买下的?
You can never see with your eyes on earth 你将永远无法用你尘世的目光来看透
Look through heaven's eyes 所以
Look at your life 藉用上天的眼 来看自己的生命吧
Look at your life 藉用上天的眼 来看自己的生命吧
Look at your life through heaven's eyes
作者: johnjaugar   2011-05-26 02:21:00

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