l98 (寻找属于我的星星)
2023-05-11 13:43:11: 推 ryan890812: 自问自答,我最后被扣579,所以应该跟之前whoscall 05/01 15:07
: → ryan890812: 状况一样,当初订多少可以绑死多少 05/01 15:08
: → ryan890812: 但补充一点,我后来续前10天也有收到649的email 05/01 15:09
Subscription with an annual payment plan: Get year-round access to
Disney+ for 649.90 TL/year
The price for a Disney+ subscription with an annual payment plan was
updated to 649.90 TL/year on 8 December 2022 for new subscribers. Subscribers
who signed up for an annual payment plan before 8 December 2022 will see
their price increase to this amount on their next payment date on or after 14
June 2023.
简单来说年付的 2023/06/14 之后都是涨价成 649.90 TL ,不管是用 iOS 或 Google
Play IAP 或官网用土耳其虚拟信用卡订的,通通涨价。