※ 引述《ssguava (passerby)》之铭言:
: 之前匪帮还没翻脸、在帮大妈检查宾客时
: 有个被挂了老爸的老头被糯米先行执法,然后匪帮大惊
: 但因为知道糯米见闻色厉害到可以稍见未来,所以也就这么服了
: 当时糯米就先抢了匪帮的台词,就像这次抢鲁夫台词一样
: 那既然未来并非绝对的,为什么这两个傻蛋还要说出被抢走的话
: 这样是不是代表他们的反应来不及改变糯米人见闻色看到的未来?
"13, 57, 124, 89" 一道冷酷却平静的声音从站立男人的口中冒出。
"甚...么?...这是!?......" 高大男人遮面围巾已脱落,嘴角渗血道出疑惑。
"Ptui! try foresee this shit you scum."
"Shhh... There's eavesdroppers nearby."
The standing man swiveled a sharp glimpse to the bizarre space around them.
In a split second, he obliterated all the remaining mirror pieces into dust.
His moves were so fast as if he didn't move a muscle!
"Now we can talk... Who am I? Let's just call me D.Straw-man......"
The man on the floor looked at him in awe, wordless but still conscious.
"......and I'm seeking the whereabouts of a man, a man called Jack."
A beam of lightning lighten the gloomy room, echoing that name he mentioned.
(Weird though, cuz there's no window nor storm in the mirror world.)
And for the first time, D.Straw-man's face is clearly revealed from that flash.
His face! Oh his face! What a horrible scar below his left eye.
The man on the floor started to tremble, withering in D.Straw-man's wake.
"No need to fear, my lad, I always leave one man alive to tell the tale."