[修正] (英文)darwin deez - dna

楼主: centrabk (肥宅)   2021-02-14 14:01:26
▁▁▁ ▁▁ ˍˍ But when I call, you are never home
/ ╲ ▏ \ ▏ And I am down to six or seven chromosomes
\ ˍ | ▏ \ ▏ ▁▁ But you don’t care or understand
︱ ▏▏| ▏ N \▏ / ╲How it feels to be a single double-strand
︱ ▏▏| ▏ │╲ │ / ▲ ╲
/ D | ▏ ▏ ╲▁▁ ▁▁ │ ﹒But I won’t cry ﹒
\▁▁▁/ ▇▇ │ / \▁▏ ﹒No, I will just pretend ﹒
A ﹒I’m still the one ﹒
darwin deez - dna ﹒And that we are in love again ﹒
作 者:[email protected]

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