wnqui (水野 皓介)
2017-05-05 02:12:23You should know that a man with the power of nature
◢◢ can bring you to the end of your luck
◢● ↙ And you should know by my stride and the look in my eye
██ ◤ that you’re about to be massively forced to give up!
★ ◥ ︾◤ ┌──┐ ◢██ ◣ ★
★ ∕﹀ … │奚鸟│ 攻 击 の 术 Chicken Attack ▁▂█ ⊙ ⊙ ★
★ └──┘ wnqui▅▆◥██ ◤ ★
Chicken attack! Chicken attack! Watch your back before it fades to black
They might look harmless but they’ll kick your non-chicken ass 石井健雄 &
Go chicken go! Go chicken go! Now go, now fly You own the sky. 格雷戈里兄弟
作 者:[email protected]/*