bnn (前途无亮回头是暗)
2015-09-04 09:03:14Lively, lively ▃▆▇▆▄▂ Run, run Darling
My little angel ▅ ▁▁▅◣ Search*2 Don't look back
Follow me, follow me ▇▃▆ ◥▄◥It's not where you belong
We'll have great discoveries ▏▅ ▲▎ ◥
Find a future ▕▋ ﹏▁ \ ﹨ ▋ ▲ Everything to us
Find a land of dreams ▲◤▲◣ ▲◣︼▎| ▍ Just you and I
Find a heaven ◆7▼▍ ▋▉◥▊ ▏▎ Not a thing to us
Find a home that won't leave you▼▍▄▆ ▆▄▲▋▉▉ Just you and I
No matter how long you've been ▋◤〞 / "▲ ▲ ▂ Project Mili
Pursuit*2 Don't ever give in ▆▂ ︶ ▂◢◤﹨ ▆▄ - Rosetta
作 者:bnn.bbs@ptt.cc