[活动]StarMaker DEMODay暨台北市新创小聚

楼主: happyprinceg (高处不胜寒)   2018-11-08 00:40:28
StarMaker DemoDay 暨台北市新创小聚邀请了6家菲律宾及泰国新创来台,以及2家在台外
The foreign startup soft-landing program— StarMaker Demo Day is going to
take place on 12th November at 1:00 p.m. So, whether you are the one
interested in investing these foreign startups or you are interested in their
product, please come to have fun with us!
The participants of the StarMaker program come from Philippines, Thailand,
Canada, and the U.S.A. Also, we invite three Taiwan startups which are
supported by the project Subsidies and Incentives in Taiwan Industry to join
the pitching. Inspiring Super Ideas Co. provides them with three months of
training, activities, and courses helping them to realize the environment in
Taiwan, the local startups, the investors and so on. Eventually, hoping what
we are doing can make them setting company here in Taiwan.
指导单位: 台北市政府产业发展局
主办单位: 资育股份有限公司
协办单位: 台北市产业补助计画办公室
日期: 2018年11月12日 (一)
时间: 下午1:00~6:00
地点: 南港软件育成中心447会议室
报名: 线上报名,免费参加
语言: 全程英文

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