puro (普洛)
2024-07-05 13:48:32来源:https://x.com/BrooklynNetcast/status/1806707821230072134?t=mRJm30ueamXs-DaYRNDBqw&s=19
The Brooklyn Nets future outlook:
After trading Mikal Bridges and acquiring their draft picks back for 2025 and 2026, the Nets are looking at going into a full rebuild. He’s a full look into every that encompasses and how they could go about going through this rebuild
在交易米卡尔布里奇斯并拿回 2025 年和 2026 年的选秀权后,篮网队正在考虑进行全面重建。他全面审视了一切,以及他们如何进行这次重建
Draft capital:
2025 (own)
2025 via MIL (Top-4 protected)
2025 via NYK
2025 (least favorable of PHX/HOU/OKC)
2026 (own)
2027 via NYK
2027 via PHI (Top-8 protected)
2027 (HOU can swap)
2028 (most favorable of BKN/PHX/NYK)
2029 via NYK
2029 (own)
2029 (least favorable of DAL/HOU/PHX)
2030 (own)
2031 via NYK
2031 (own)
2025 年通过公鹿(前四保护)
2025 年来自纽约尼克
2025(PHX/HOU/OKC 最差顺位)
2027 年来自纽约尼克
2027 年透过 PHI(前八保护)
2028(BKN/PHX/NYK 最优顺位)
2029 年来自纽约尼克
2029(DAL/HOU/PHX 最差顺位)
2031 年来自纽约尼克
Most valuable pieces:
‧Cam Thomas (22 y/o SG) is probably the most valuable player currently in the Brooklyn Nets. Last season at age 22 he averaged 23.6 PPG, 3.5 REB and 3.1 AST in games he started with a 56 TS%. This next season or two there needs to be substantial playmaking leaps (he had a small one last year) and needs to prove he can be a main ball handler on a NBA team.
‧卡姆·托马斯(Cam Thomas,22 岁 SG)可能是目前布鲁克林篮网队最有价值的球员。上赛季,22 岁的他在先发比赛中场均拿下 23.6 分、3.5 篮板和 3.1 助攻,命中率为 56%。在接下来的一两个赛季里,他需要在比赛中取得实质的飞跃(去年他有一个小飞跃),并且需要证明他可以成为 NBA 球队的主要控球者。
‧Nic Claxton (25 y/o C) is one of the premier defenders in the entire NBA. Last season he averaged 11.8 PPG, 9.9 REB and 2.1 BPG. He had a rough start to the season with injuries and then started to round a corner but never seemed to 100% get to where he wanted last season. However, his perimeter defense was good as ever and he was still one of the best switching bigs in the NBA. His interior defense was mediocre most of the season until the next player listed started playing helpside, a big problem for
the Nets last season being they had no helpside rim protection that could complement Claxton. He looks to rebound this season with an All-Defensive team.
‧尼克克拉克斯顿(Nic Claxton,25 岁)是整个 NBA 中最优秀的防守者之一。上季他场均贡献11.8分、9.9分和2.1分。由于伤病,他本赛季的开局并不顺利,然后开始转危为安,但似乎从未 100% 达到他上赛季想要的目标。然而,他的外线防守一如既往地出色,他仍然是NBA最好的换防大个子之一。他的内线防守在本赛季的大部分时间里表现平平,直到下一位球员开始打协防,上赛季篮网队的一个大问题是他们没有可以补充克拉克斯顿的协防篮框保护。他希望本赛季能够入选最佳防守阵容并反弹。
‧Noah Clowney (19 y/o PF) did not play much last season and spent most of his time in the g-league as he was only 19. However, when he did play he was absolutely outstanding, two performances that stood out being his 7 block game against the Toronto Raptors and his 22 point and 10 rebound hame against the Indiana Pacers. Really impressive for a 19 y/o. This off-season you look for him to put on some muscle and continue to bulk up, get himself conditioned for what will be his first full season. The Nets
will look to him for helpside rim protection and floor spacing, 2 things he does bring to the table with a lengthy 6’10 frame and 7’3 wingspan.
‧诺亚·克劳尼(19 岁PF)的19岁赛季并没有打太多一队比赛,大部分时间都在发展联盟度过。然而,当他在一队比赛时表现出色,其中最突出的两场表现是他在对阵多伦多猛龙队的比赛中拿下 7 个盖帽,在对阵印第安纳步行者队的比赛中拿下 22 分和 10 个篮板。对于 19 岁的人来说确实令人印象深刻。这个休赛期你会期待他增加一些肌肉并继续增肌,为他的第一个完整赛季做好准备。网队会指望他提供帮助侧篮框保护和地板间距,这是他凭借 6 英尺 10 的长身躯和 7 英尺 3 的臂展所带来的两件事。
Biggest question mark:
‧Dariq Whitehead (19 y/o SG/SF) only appeared in two games this last season and underwent surgery on his foot for the 3rd time. He was an outstanding shooter at Duke and was one of the best prospects heading into college, very high creation upside that can really give this rebuild a boost.
‧达里克·怀特海德(Dariq Whitehead,19岁,SG/SF)上赛季只参加了两场比赛,并且第三次接受了脚部手术。他是杜克大学的一名出色的射手,进入大学时他是顶级顺位之一,他具有非常高的潜力,可以真正推动重建。
Trade candidates:
‧Cam Johnson (28 y/o SF/PF) is one of the more coveted pieces on the trade market. 6’8 wing who fits really well next to two main creators, high level shooter and decently versatile defender. Could net you a 1st and a salary filler with some 2nds
‧Cam Johnson(28 岁 SF/PF)是交易市场上最令人垂涎的球员之一。身高 6 英尺 8 的侧翼,非常适合与两位进攻创造者、高水平射手和多才多艺的后卫并肩作战。预期可以带来个首轮签或一个填补薪资的球员搭上几个次轮签
‧Dorian Finney Smith (31 y/o PF) is a proven playoff performer, professional and versatile defensive piece that many contenders would love to have as another defender to throw at any number of high level wings. His shooting has been shaky but he could still possibly net you a protected 1st.
‧多里安·芬尼·史密斯(Dorian Finney Smith)(31岁大前锋)是一位久经考验的季后赛表现者,专业且多才多艺的防守球员,许多竞争者都希望拥有他,一个可以有一定外线产量的高等级侧翼。他的投篮一直不稳定,但他仍然有可能为你赢得一个受保护的首轮签。
‧Bojan Bogdonovic (35 y/o SF) is coming off of foot surgery but when healthy has proven to be able to create his own shot and be a really reliable floor spacer. Due to his age and injuries, I think he would net you a few 2nds.
KEY NOTE: The Brooklyn Nets should wait to trade all 3 till the premier wings have been taken off the market in FA. Force a team to overpay with the pressure to fill a need to compete.
关键提示:布鲁克林篮网队应该等到顶级侧翼球员被从自由市场拿下后才交易全部 3 名球员。迫使其他买家付出更高的价格来完成交易。
The Brooklyn Nets are far from perfect but are set up really well long-term with:
‧Some of the most cap flexibility in the NBA
‧ 4 1st’s in ‘25, 1 1st in ‘26, 3 1st’s in ‘27, 3 1sts in ‘29 and can still add more picks
‧3 young pieces who could kickstart the rebuild (We will see what Wilson and Whitehead become too)
‧ 其中一个有着最有弹性的薪资上限NBA球队
‧ 25年4个首轮,26年1个首轮,27年3个首轮,29年3个首轮,并且仍然可以增加更多选秀权
‧ 3名可以参与重建的年轻球员(我们也将看到威尔森和怀特海德可以成为什么样的球员)
Not a bad spot, lots of work to do.
puro (普洛)
2024-07-05 14:57:00刚刚也在想要不要用chatgpt 但手机不好弄 最后还是用google翻译 感谢推荐
youtoo (舒服就很迷人)
2024-07-05 17:22:00感谢翻译
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-05 21:49:00今年才算要正式开箱白头啊,然后练Nic Clowney双塔至少还算有看点XD
puro (普洛)
2024-07-05 23:07:00今年的看点1.Clowney可不可以跟Nic同时搭配 Clowney有外线能力 所以理论上进攻端不会有冲突 防守端就看Clowney能不能成长为Nic没办法做到的肉盾 期望防守端能变KAT跟狗贝那种感觉2.小火车在第一年先发后能不能再往上突破 不只是得分 我今年会更期待他能不能成为更加全能的后场箭头如果理想 以上都成真了 再来空出3号位坦个Flagg或Bailey来那我们就有机会走雷霆模式起飞了
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-06 23:48:00至少希望能效仿阿金第一年那样,确立一个球队体系从奈瓜开始的教练真的是一言难尽...
youtoo (舒服就很迷人)
2024-07-07 00:08:00目前还是后场持球点的问题,不过我也赞成把体系弄出来比较重要,25T的新秀感觉天赋真的很好,边练兵边看能不能选个核心直接重回轨道Clowney蛮可惜的其实一直在G盟打的不错,上季早点上来说不定可以多练点
作者: gnl1n 2024-07-07 02:50:00
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-07 12:19:00后场持球我是蛮想把DSJ签回来的,他那个在场上的拼劲可以感染很多队友西门...嗯然后真的大概是Cam的最后一年观察期了,技能包如果不能再多长一点出来的话,觉得球队有可能交易掉他
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-10 00:21:00Watford接受QO一年约,明年变成RFA$2.7M上面更正,明年变成FA,今年是RFA
youtoo (舒服就很迷人)
2024-07-10 01:04:00很好啊,可以用也可以随便养,身材不好但脑袋算转的快的球员,拿来用还自然坦
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-10 01:06:00他给我的感觉很像前几年的布朗 满喜欢的
puro (普洛)
2024-07-10 02:44:00马总有说希望他可以续留 不错 短期目标又达成一项 我明天有空把马总在记者会上说的整理一下再丢上来
youtoo (舒服就很迷人)
2024-07-12 22:31:00外电表示当年选秀会篮网就很中意Keon Johnson ,目前有意慢慢培养他,Keon Johnson 还没续约但很感谢篮网的重视而且合作很愉快,应该是会续约
msarthur (风吹屁屁凉)
2024-07-13 17:31:00他应该是我们队上少数能暴力灌篮的