[外电] ESPN:法官将在冬季会议时签约

楼主: zxc906383 (无无)   2022-11-30 23:42:48
Nobody will elicit more attention than Judge, the 30-year-old outfielder whose 6
2 home runs this season earned him a near-unanimous American League MVP award. J
udge's free agency, sources involved said, is primed to end in a record-setting
deal at the meetings, exceeding the previous high average annual value for a pos
ition player of $35.5 million for Mike Trout.
并且会打破鳟鱼的AVV $35.5 million的野手均薪纪录
The New York Yankees, whose chief desire this offseason is to retain Judge, have
an offer on the table in the neighborhood of eight years and $300 million and c
ould increase it, depending on how far the San Francisco Giants
作者: sonesnsdsosi (FOREVERSONE)   2022-12-01 00:14:00
作者: travis915117   2022-12-01 11:17:00
照这逻辑 建议球队去搞来疯邦 季后赛战神肯定稳稳的
作者: RodrigueZ810 (装小维)   2022-12-02 18:55:00
连两季全勤了 痛痛人的标签还是拔不掉 帮QQ
作者: travis915117   2022-12-04 13:35:00
可惜真的不知道签谁一定拿冠军欸 如果我知道我就去MLB工作了还在这边听你胡扯XD如果你知道签谁一定冠军 拜托别浪费时间赶快去赚大钱签季后赛不软手的球员可以拿冠军 听起来很直观 但哪个球员短期赛不会软手你要怎么预测?当年季后赛成绩年年被酸的A-Rod 如果2009没他可以拿冠军? 2018年季后赛坦顿一样被媒体酸爆 他之后三年季后赛又是球队最粗的大腿以你前面自己提的勇士 他们如果这么会签会打季后赛的球员 啊他们今年走到哪里?
作者: warchiefdodo (ming)   2022-12-05 11:51:00
官网在报洋基plan b,换Reynolds,用中线换吗?Gleyber torres?
作者: travis915117   2022-12-06 21:14:00
某n的滑坡成这样你是想讨论啥 啊勇士走到哪里你要回答了没?
作者: antineutrino   2022-12-06 22:31:00
目前球队主力年龄偏大 没续约也不一定是坏事

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