magicfx (去南半球度假)
2013-03-01 20:54:23※ [本文转录自 DivingSport 看板 #1HCAIeyf ]
作者: magicfx (去南半球度假) 看板: DivingSport
标题: [活动] 协助海洋生物学家研究马尔代夫珊瑚礁
时间: Fri Mar 1 20:52:53 2013
很荣幸即将和著名的海洋生物学家/生态旅游咨询顾问 Robin Aiello一起潜水研究马尔代夫的海洋生态,
Robin将到我工作的Constance Halaveli渡假村潜水/浮潜一个月(马尔代夫)。
Robin L. Aiello简历:
Robin L. Aiello, Marine Biologist & Ecotourism Specialist
Robin Aiello graduated Harvard University with highest honours in evolutionary biology (palaeontology) and geological sciences. Always the adventurer, she has camped in a tent alongside thousands of penguins while diving and studying jellyfish under the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica; spent more than two weeks living underwater in a saturation chamber and diving up to 15 hours a day just to research coral biology; dived into deep unexplored underwater caves looking for rare shell species; sailed from
Australia to Papua New Guinea as first mate on a tall ship for a NOAA expedition to a Pacific Ocean ‘hot spot’; snorkelled with Minke whales; and dived with thousands of sharks, including Great White and Mako sharks.
Since immigrating to Australia in 1992 to pursue the Great Barrier Reef, Robin has served as researcher and lecturer at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, James Cook University, Museum of Tropical Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. She now heads her own environmental management consulting business, where she develops and promotes positive environmental practices for protecting the reef. Robin has trained hundreds of tourism staff, community leaders and government
employees in basic reef ecology, biology, interpretation and guiding skills and environmental impact management. She is a frequent keynote speaker at large conferences and conventions, and provides regular lectures for the Smithsonian Institute study groups that tour Australia several times a year.
Robin Aiello typically spends at least four months of the year at sea, lecturing and driving Zodiacs in places such as the British Isles, Baltic Sea, and the Indian Ocean (South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, the Seychelles, the Maldives, India, Sri Lanka, Reunion, and Mauritius)