Time 9/23/’11 9/30/’11
06:10 Reception P.R.V.P Team P.R.V.P Team
06:30 Opening
06:31 Welcoming Guests Bill,President Bill,President
06:35 Toastmasters of The Evening (TME) Janet& Jack(T) Jenny & Jack(Y)
Timer Kingsly T.B.A
Ah Counter Tom Kingsly
Vote Counter Molly T.B.A
06:50 Happy Talk Session Chung-Yi Joyce
07:10 Prepared Speeches
(5~7min) Three A’s I Met Here Bang-Ruei,C4 Janet,C5
(6~8min) Turn Weakness into Strength Angel,A5 Stanley,C7
07:30 1st Report of Timer & Ah Counter
07:35 Intermission & Tea Break
07:45 Table Topic Session Richard Christine
08:05 Evaluation Session
(2~3min) C4: How to Say It Joyce April
(2~3min) A5 : The Persuasive Leader Christine Amy
08:15 2nd Report of Timer & Ah Counter
08:20 Language Evaluation and
General Evaluation (5~7 min.) David Paris
08:30 Presentation of Awards Bill,President Bill,President
(35min) Officers Announcements
09:05 Adjournment
这周五晚上六点半,二活B1集思会议厅不见不散! (有押韵欸= w =)