写作工作坊- 读书计画:学会自我行销

楼主: NTUAWEC (NTU AWEC)   2010-10-21 09:22:39
学术写作工作坊- 读书计画:学会自我行销 Writing SOPs
Want to enroll in an international university, but don’t
know what to say about yourself in the Statement of
Purpose? University admission officers read literally
thousands of applications every year – and most of them
are rejected because they fail to impress the readers.
This is often due to students who don’t know how to
promote themselves, who are afraid to “blow their own
trumpet”, or who are unsure of what kinds of personal
information should be included. This AWEC workshop will
help you write an SOP that stands out and grabs the
reader’s attention.
时间:11/04(四) 14:20 ~ 16:20
讲员:Marc Anthony

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