[网宣] 台北沙龙: 日本殖民镜头里的台湾 1895~1905

楼主: cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)   2008-04-30 10:20:15
※ [本文转录自 cct0207 信箱]
作者: cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)
标题: [网宣] 台北沙龙: 日本殖民镜头里的台湾 1895~1905
时间: Wed Apr 30 10:18:13 2008
日本殖民镜头里的台湾 1895~1905
Taiwan Seen Through a Japanese Lens 1895~1905
How did Colonial Japan perceive Taiwan?
Old pictures narrate. A collection of picture albums depict the landscape and
the people, military actions, urban scenes, and cultural identities of the
island in the late nineteenth century. These albums were part of the
ideological tools employed by the new colonial power in fashioning a new
imagination of Taiwan.
殖民者眼中的台湾,是什么? 殖民者想塑造的台湾,又是什么?
讲者 : 周文龙
Speaker : Joseph R. Allen
Chairman, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of
Minnesota Professor Allen’s research focuses on contemporary Chinese poetry
and semiotic studies of public space in Taipei City. His current interest is
the state of photography in contemporary Taiwan.
主持人 : 夏铸九
Moderator : Hsia Chu-joe
Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan
Date and time:Saturday, 24 May 2008 14:00 – 16:00
Venue:Yue-han Hall, 110 Jin Hua Street Taipei
时间 2008年5月24日(六) 14:00~16:00
地点 月涵堂会议厅 (台北市金华街110号)
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