可是Dlink的Router只有四个孔,刚好从国外带回多一个Dlink router
2. Check / change IP address - Most home network routers use a default IP
address setting. Often, these default IP addresses will not work in a two
router environment. Check the second router's IP address value and reset it
if necessary to work within the valid address range of the first router (and
to not conflict with any other device on the network).
Google到 Dlink Router IP:
讲得好像有点笼统? 还是就是以下所指示的?
3. Disable DHCP - To avoid IP address conflicts between all of the devices on
the home network, only one of your two routers should assign addresses via
DHCP. All mainstream routers provide an option to disable DHCP as part of the
router's configuration screens.
然后,应该是到 Router IP address 后就会有画面选项出现吧?
( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ 明天要去楼下设Router,如果有高手有经验,拜托指点一下。
如果明天有操作上的错误或问题,可否再问一下? 抱歉占用版面了 = =||