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作者: yihuan3 (yihuan3) 看板: NTU-Textbook
标题: [卖\电机系课本 ]
时间: Tue Aug 23 21:41:33 2011
课程 出版 价格
1.生物 Biology Campbell-Reece 7th 200
2.微积分 Calculus Salas, Hille 9th 150
(Hard Cover)
3.微积分 Calculus Thomas 11th 350
(课本 + 解答)
4.物理 Physics Halliday,Resnick 5th 200
5.物理 Fundamental Halliday,Resnick 7th 300
of Physics(课本+解答)
6.化学 Chemical Zumdahl,Houghton 5th 200
(Hard Cover)
1.交换电,逻辑设计 Roth,Thompson 5th 100
Fundamental of Logic Design ( Hard Cover)
2.讯号,系统 Oppenheim,Nawab,Prentice 2nd 100
Signal & System
3.电子学 Sedra , Smith 5th 300
Microelectronic Circuit
4.微分方程 Zill,Cullent 7th 300
Differential Equation (课本 + 解答)
5.负数变化 Zill, Cullent 3rd 150
Adv Engineering Math (只包含负变章节) (课本 + 解答)
6.负数变化详解 Churchill,Brown 100
1.光电导论 Kasap, Prentice 200
Optonics & Photonics
2.资料结构 Wess,Wiley 300
Data Structure and Algorithm (Hard Cover)
3.数位积体电路 Rabaey,Nikolic,Prentice 2nd 200
Digital Intergrated Circuit
4.法文二 CLE int 250
Methode de Francais (课本 + 解答)
5.Low Voltage CMOS,VLSI Circuit 100
6.Fundamental of Probability Ghahramani 150
7. Computing Fundamental Norton 5th 150
8. Essential english Usage & Grammar 50
9. Computer Component Wayne,Wolf 150
Principle of Embedded System Design
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