
楼主: superkai127 (superkai127)   2010-07-04 02:13:50
1电子学 Microelectronic circuits kenneth c smith 两本
2机率 probability and stochastic processes roy d....david j..... 两本
3电磁学 elemenths of engineering electromagnetics nannapaneni.... 四本
4线代 elementary linear algebra: a matrix approach
lawrence...arnold..stephen.... 一本
5电力 电力系统分析 artur r bergen 一本
6信号与系统 sgnals and systems alan v.......alan s... 一本
7复变 advanced engineering mathematics complete solution manual 一本
8modern control system richard c.....robert h.... 一本
9微分方程 a first course in differential equations /
zill &cullen's differential equation 四本
10电路学 circuits a.bruce carlson 一本
11近代物理 modern physics paul a tipler.... 一本
12微波系统导论 microwave and RF design of wireless system 一本
大四毕业,平价出售解答 90%新
有意购买,EMAIL:[email protected]

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