Fw: [演讲]台湾通识网/荒野保护协会“重新看见海洋”

楼主: qqbow0523 (Q宝)   2011-10-16 00:59:22
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作者: qqbow0523 (Q宝) 看板: ZACTION
标题: [演讲]台湾通识网/荒野保护协会“重新看见海洋”
时间: Fri Oct 14 23:10:13 2011
台湾通识网-英文讲座:“Rediscover Our Ocean ”重新看见海洋
Taiwan is an island embranced and nurished by the sea. Regretfully, most of
us are blinded by history and culture, which lead us drifting away from our
mother ocean. If you are willing to take a break, still your soul from daily
chaos, enjoy some quiet moments hearing the rhythm of tide, she will reward
and amaze you with her beauty, abundance and profoundness. You are cordially
invited to this evening talk to rediscover our ocean, refresh your impression
and rekindle your passion toward her.
■Speaker(主讲人):Platinasoka, Marine Specialist of SOW 
荒野保护协会 海洋保育专员 林爱龙
■Date/Time(日期/时间):2011/10/26 Wed. PM.19:00~21:00
■Venue(地点): 3F Conference Room, Life Science Building, NTU
■Contact(联络方式):02-33669863 ,Ms. Wendy Chang(张雅婷 小姐)
[email protected]/*

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