v760956 (Coconut)
2021-02-18 20:27:14您好,有位来自莱斯特大学的国外友人希望可以寻找有在台湾有双语教学经验的老师做一
,感谢您,这会对她的论文有莫大的帮助! 她也将会随机抽出四位填写问卷的人赠予200元
Hello, everyone! I'm Cat Jensen, a Taipei-based graduate student of the
University of Leicester. I'm working on my final thesis now, and want to
invite you to participate in my research.
My topic is about teachers' experiences with CLIL (content language
integrated learning) in Taiwan's 2030 bilingual program. If you are a
Taiwanese CLIL teacher in elementary, junior high, or high school, this
survey is for you!
The survey only takes 5-10 minutes to finish, and I won't take any personal
information as data.
As thanks for helping with this research, I will randomly choose 4
participants to receive a NT$200 coupon.
Thanks so much for helping me complete my thesis! Your contribution is
important and appreciated!