多国语言会话练习社举办迎新活动囉也请到我们的粉专看看,顺便按个赞吧(*′∀‵) https://www.facebook.com/ntumlc/ —————————— 我们是多国语言会话练习社 NTU-MLC, Multi-Lingua Conversation Club!!! 我们正在邀请国际生与本地生来参加我们在 9月27日新生303教室19:00的新生欢迎会!!! 当天会有社团介绍,也会有小小的活动让大家认识彼此,当然也准备茶水给大家吃喝!! 千万别担心自己的外语能力多烂(或太好XD), 过去有许多台湾人自己害羞不敢来才发现可惜(._.) 因为怎么样都没人会笑你~有点勇气就有收获啦!!! 除了“国际生”之外, 我们也非常需要“台湾朋友”的热情参与唷!!!! 或是想来这里和同在学习语言的朋友聊聊天也是不错唷~~ 或许你在当天就会找到想语言交换伙伴或是一起出外吃喝的朋友囉(? 以下的报名表单打算来参加的朋友们填一填唷!!! http://bit.ly/2czFK6R NTU Multi-Lingua Conversation Club is here announcing our first gathering this semester at Freshman Classroom Building, Room 303 from 19:00~21:00 on Sep. 27th We will have a brief introduction to our club, an overview of our club activities, some activities designed for everyone to meet up new friends and potential language exchange partners. However bad (or good!) your target language you want to practice and if you just want to come here to make international and local friends or meet language lovers, come join us!! NTU Multi-Lingua Conversation Club FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ntumlc/ The sheet attached is required to join our first meeting!! Please spare just a few minutes to fill it!! http://bit.ly/2czFK6R Sent from JPTT on my OPPO F1f.