[试题] 100下 欧阳明 虚拟实境 期中考

楼主: rod24574575 (天然呆)   2015-07-11 14:10:16
试题 :
2012 Virtual Reality Midterm Exam May 8, 2012
1. (20%) Hierarchical animation using OpenGL
Miss Hancock buys a Luffy model and uses a 3D scanner to digitize it. She
wants to make an animation about Luffy, but doesn't know how to build it
and let it stand on the floor. Please use OpenGL to help Miss Hancock. The
data is given below.
(a) How to combine each part to let Luffy stand? Please write OpenGL code
to do that. You should define any parameters that you need.
(ex: "LegLength")
(Hint: You have glPushMatrix(), glPopMatrix(), glRoatef(),
glTranslatef(), DrawBody(), DrawRightLeg(), DrawLeftLeg() etc).
(b) Only three parts (Head, Body, Leg) are not enough for animation. By
your experience, if Luffy wants to use rubber pistol (it means to
extend his arm) to punch on his enemy as the picture to the left, how
to split the model? (PS; coordinate system is important here!)
(Hint: You can simply draw "Line Segment with Label" as split part,
"Circle" as joint or origin).
2. (10%)
(a) Please design a method to achieve the goal "smell real" in a movie
theater? Give at least one example.
(b) In addition to "smell real", there is "feel real". In a fiction, there
is a case showing that force feedback can be dangerous to human
participants, even to the degree of being "murdered". How can this be
done to a participant (user) in VR applications? Please explain.
3. (5%) Term Project:
What is the term project you want to do for this semester? What kind of
technical problems will you encounter and have to be solved?
4. (20%) Rasterization (着色):
Rasterization is the popular rendering technique for producing real-time 3D
computer-graphics. The algorithm takes 3D scene (described as polygons) to
2D surface (usually a computer monitor). At a very basic level, rasterizers
simply take a stream of vertices, transform them into corresponding 2D
points on the viewer's monitor and fill in the transformed 2D triangles as
appropriate. If the 3D scene is very complicated, then the number of
vertices may be very large. It will take a long time to do rasterization.
Consider two ways for acceleration:
(a) (5%) The first method is to dynamically decrease the number of
triangles passing to the rasterizer. That is, reduced a model from
10 million triangles to 10000 triangles. Can you propose one idea to
achieve this goal while maintain the rendering quality from our view
Consider the hardware acceleration using Pixel Plane, knowing that it is
capable of doing the calculation Ax + By + C in parallel:
(b) (10%) For a triangle defined by vertices (0, 0), (2, 4) and (6, 2) with
their colors on blue channel are 10, 50, 20, respectively. Please
provide the precise A, B, C values such that the result of the formula
Ax + By + C indicates the value of the pixel(x,y) on the blue channel
using Gouraud shading (smooth shading, or called color interpolation
(c) (5%) Please calculate the values of the pixels (1, 1) and (3, 2) by
adopting your formula in (c).
5. (20%) 3D sound:
The goal of 3D sound is to simulate the direction and distance of a sound
source in a real world.
(a) The DVD standard uses the Dolby AC-3 as its sound output, where AC-3
uses 5 speakers plus one bass speaker, as shown in Figure (a). However,
your PC has two speakers only. How would you design your PC to play a
DVD movie with a sound similar to Dolby AC-3?
(b) Noise cancellation application. The newest version of BOSE headphones
has the feature that can reduce the engine noise while in the jet
airplane. Can noise cancellation be done? How?
6. (10%) Human Factors:
If you are required to design an IMAX movie theater which adopts an LED
screen instead of a project screen. The screen size is 11m high and 20m
wide. Given that the field of view of human eye is 90 degrees in the
horizontal direction and 60 degrees in the vertical direction, can you
define the appropriate distance between the first row seats and the screen?
Please calculate the least number of LEDs that should be used in this
7. Force Display(15%)
(a) (5%) Please design a system with a force feedback to simulate a case in
stirring an oil tank with viscosity of 30 Newton-sec/meter, while using
a Microsoft Future Force Feedback joystick with a mass of 0.3 Kg,
stiffness of 0.01 Newton/meter, and viscosity of 1.17 Newton-sec/meter.
Please write the necessary equations for the necessary force to be
generated from the driving motors inside the joystick.
(b) (10%) There exists one magic trick about the above system. When
simulating a spring with stiffness of 1000 NT/m, you are holding the
handle of a force feedback joystick. The harder you tense your forearm
in holding the handle of the joystick, the stronger is the vibration
in your hand. Can you explain this magic behavior? At what sampling
frequency can this happen? (Hint: Human hand has stiffness of 400 NT/m,
viscosity 5 N-sec/m, and mass 2Kg, while the joystick has a viscosity
of 1.5 N-sec/m).

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