根据Adam Schefter消息,NFL将在新球季把季赛增加到17场. 是NFL自1978年增加到
16场后第一次改变赛季长度. 这个计画在去年三月联盟跟球员工会签订新的劳资协议
时就有安排. 当时球员们持正反两面的意见都大有人在,Russel Wilson就是反对阵营的
一员. 最后在投下的1978张票里,赞成方以60票之差低空通过.
增加的一场比赛的组合并不是随机决定. NFL的计画是将会从不同联会中不常交手的球
队中做挑选. Yahoo Sports的Charles Robinson做下面的解释:
For example, if it’s a season when the NFC North is slated to play the AFC
South for out-of-conference opponents, the 17th game for NFC North teams will
consist of the AFC South and one more AFC team from outside the South
division. The additional opponent will be determined by the previous season’
s divisional standings and will also rotate to a different division each
ESPN的Field Yates根据这个计算方式推算出下面的对战组合: