Re: [NFL!] Players want out from MIA

楼主: ilovenets (wait for a new day)   2019-09-17 20:23:02
※ 引述《oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)》之铭言:
: According Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk on NBC Sports, "multiple" Dolphins
: players contacted their agents seeking trades following Sunday's blowout loss
: to Baltimore.
: If Miami's tanking agenda wasn't obvious before, it sure was during Sunday's
: 59-10 defeat, a loss made more embarrassing by the fact it occurred on the
: Dolphins' home turf. Apparently that was the final straw for a few unnamed
: Dolphins, who reportedly want no part of what figures to be a lengthy rebuild
: in South Beach. First-year coach Brian Flores is in for the long haul, but it
: doesn't sound like everyone in the organization is quite on board with
: Miami's painfully transparent tanking efforts. Unfortunately for the
: Dolphins, their fans and all of our collective eye sockets, this team still
: has 15 games of unwatchable football ahead of it.
: ==
: 坦得太明显 球员都看不下去..
: 在今天惨败给乌鸦后 消息指出很多球员已经联络经纪人 希望被交易离开海豚
: Antonio Brown 表示: 欢迎来问 我有经验
Minkah Fitzpatrick + 2020 fourth round pick, 2021 seventh round pick
2020 first round pick, 2020 fifth round pick, 2021 sixth round pick
钢人是不放弃今年吗? 有点看不懂, 乌鸦原本也是Rumor中的热门
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2019-09-17 20:28:00
Minkah 实力到底如何啊
作者: redsoxnation (宅男请补满伍~~)   2019-09-17 20:40:00
作者: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2019-09-17 21:46:00
Minkah 很强啊 新人约还很长 proven player, 不算亏吧
作者: hcju (On Green Dolphin Street)   2019-09-17 21:57:00
我昨天才跟个Alamaba的毕业生聊这个交易 他倒是不看好Minkah他觉得在Bama强大的一线防守压力下 二线防守cover上的缺点很容易就被演盖掉...
作者: Sulstan (翼鹏)   2019-09-17 23:47:00
We believe in Minkah!
作者: wuwinkan (Magarny)   2019-09-18 00:44:00
Minkah抱怨他在海豚位置太多 想专打一个位置就好
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2019-09-18 05:15:00
Minkah 应该就是个Slot Corner 吧
楼主: ilovenets (wait for a new day)   2019-09-18 08:59:00
网络上查到的评价是虽然数据不错, 但在Tape上看得出来有一些急需修正的地方, 优势是什么位置都能打
作者: JC0605 (American Dream)   2019-09-18 14:05:00
He's a really really good Slot corner.

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