Re: [NFL!] Jamie Collins Was Traded Away....

楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2016-11-01 05:37:54
BB 说话了..
Bill Belichick, on sports radio WEEI, said of the Jamie Collins trade:
"In the end, we did what we thought was best for the football team.
There are a lot of things to take into consideration. I'm sure we could
bring up a lot of points to talk about, but in the end, that's really the
bottom line."
虽然基本上有说跟没说一样 不过有点像是 Lombardi 说的那些原因..
※ 引述《JessKB24 (以身为科迷为傲)》之铭言:
: 大号消息.... From Adam Schefter
: NE traded LB Jamie Collins to Browns for a.... 3rd round pick!!!!
: 心得: WTF.......
: Edit: As of why he was traded away:
: Collins on the second play of the game does whatever he wants and Bills gain 2
: 8 yards. Been happening all year. It was not going to continue
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2016-11-01 05:38:00
"best for the football team" 出现啦 www
作者: mightysuns (kiakia)   2016-11-01 09:56:00
trick or treat....
楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2016-11-01 11:25:00 Lombardi 说爱国者可能还会有其他动作.. Pats' Dwas lucky haven't played an elite QB yet...
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2016-11-01 11:41:00
is there an elite qb for their remaining schedule?RW3 or Flacco?
作者: JessKB24 (以身为科迷为傲)   2016-11-01 12:10:00
作者: wuwinkan (Magarny)   2016-11-01 12:42:00
楼主: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2016-11-01 13:14:00
他访谈里讲的是 big ben...所以说爱国者走运 没对上好的 QB据说 Pats 有开出 11m/yr 的 offer... Collins 拒绝.
作者: oneface (savant)   2016-11-05 21:04:00

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